Chapter 1

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Roman sat on the edge of the bed, staring out the now clear blue skies that had been predicted for the day. Lost in his thoughts, wondering if he was getting any closer to finding his run away fiancé, until he felt a hand running up and down his bare chest bringing him out of his thoughts, turning his attention to the whore that he had slept with to get his frustrations out.

"Did you enjoy last night as much as I did," the woman, whom Roman didn't bother remembering her name asked.

Roman shook his head at her giving her his answer. "It served it's purpose. As did you. Now you may leave here and go find someone else to fuck. I have more pressing matters to worry about at the moment. None of them involving me putting my dick in you again for a round two."

The woman got up from the bed insulted grabbing her clothes in a huff, glaring daggers at Roman. "I thought you wanted to be with me for the long haul. Now you're just going to throw me out as if we didn't share a night of passion together?!?"

"If I can be honest we didn't share a night of passion together. If anything I got what I wanted from you. Now that you're used up you can leave my sight before I call the main desk and tell them that I have some strange woman who broke into my room, with the sick idea of thinking that I would willing sleep with her," Roman snapped back.

"I hope that karma comes around and bites you in the ass so hard that it hurts you to sit down. I thought you would be different from other guys and treat a woman properly. But I guess I was wrong about you. You're nothing but a pig looking for the next fuck to come your way. I hope when you find whoever it is you're looking for, that they give you everything that you dish out to other innocent women who you use and then break their spirit with false promises of forever," The woman snapped before placing her clothes on and storming out of the hotel room.

"Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out," Roman screamed out, only to receive a frustrated scream in return, which only caused Roman to smirk. "I thought she would be smart enough then to go and trust a complete stranger who would say anything just to get in her pants. That right there goes to show me that she is really desperate for sex. Oh well not my problem anymore. My main focus is finding my precious fiancé who thought she was being cute by running off, thinking that she could get away with this. Not this time. Once I find her, I'm going to be teaching her a valuable lesson that she will never forget."

Alyse had just barely managed to escape from the hotel, knowing that Roman was so close to capturing her and bringing her back to Hemlock Grove, just to finish what he had originally started. Breathing heavily while leaning against the wall, Alyse quickly thought of a place that she could go and lay low for a while, where no one would know the story of Roman Godfrey's bride who had gone missing again. There has to be a place that Roman won't think to check for a while. I can't keep having these close encounters with him, because if I do it will only be a matter of time before he manages to find me and bring me back to my personal hell. I just have to be super careful from now on. I can't allow myself to trust just anyone. Treat others as if they have some kind of connection to Roman, and that should keep me off the radar a bit longer before Roman can track me down again, Alyse thought to herself before pushing off the wall making her way away from the hotel, hoping to put some distance between her and Roman, before he decides to move onto the next place to search for her.

Alyse managed to make it to the airport undetected by Roman. Approaching the lady at the desk, Alyse took cash out and handed it to the lady. "I would like a ticket to Hawaii. It doesn't even have to be first class."

"Ma'am, are you alright? You look as though you're a bit frightened," the woman asked.

"My well being is nothing for you to be concerned about. As for my appearance, I blame it on stress. Please may I get a ticket now, before I lose my temper and demand to talk to your boss about this little incident that is taking place right now. I don't want to do that to you, because I'm more than sure that you need this job to keep a roof over your head as well as to keep fed," Alyse said trying to keep polite, though she was getting annoyed with the attendant at the desk.

His captive bride (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 2Where stories live. Discover now