chapter eight

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30 minutes later

Millie heard door knocking and immediately ran downstairs.
She opened the door and saw Sadie with some snacks and a ball.

"Hi-" Sadie said but Millie hugged her while she was saying that.
"Oh my goodness.. Sadie you are an angel.. Come in! And don't worry no one cares if it's dirty here." Millie explained.

They went straight to Millie's room.

"Thanks for bringing snacks but why did you bring a ball..?" Millie asked curiously.
"Well, I thought it would help you to concentrate your anger or frustration on the ball and not to leave it inside yourself until you would explode." Sadie replied.
"Oof that's cool?" Millie said and they both laughed.

After a while

"Sooo, which one you will choose?" Sadie asked.
"Who? And choose for what?" Millie asked confused.
"Obviously Finn or Kevin! I think it's also obvious that they both have a crush on you" she said.
"Just like Gaten.." she added quietly but Millie couldn't hear her.
"I-I don't know, I don't think I like them in that way, also they deserve a better girlfriend.."
"Stop with that.. but come one you can tell me which one is more attractive"
"Honestly I like both but I still like Finn more because he was nice to me from the begin and Kevin, well... bullied me for years.."
"Exactly! I'm a big Minn shipper and Kevin will find another girl anyways because he's.. that kind of boy."
"I think fillie sounds better.."
"You are right.."
"Let's watch some Netflix"

They started to watch Élite. It was now "their" show. It wasn't too short or too long so it was perfect. They watched the whole first season while eating their snacks and commenting what the characters could do, to save Marina.

After they finished the first season they were tired, so they went to bed.
It was a great evening for both of them.

Next morning

Sadie woke up when Millie was still sleeping. She didn't want to wake her up, so she went outside the room.
She walked downstairs and saw Millie's parents.

She thought they would look.. different? She knew that Millie hated them. They seemed nice but Millie once told her that they were the worst when they were drunk.

"Hello.. Mr. and Mrs. Brown.." Sadie said.
'I hope they are married..' she thought. It would be so awkward if they weren't but how could she know?
"Hello.. Uhm what's your name and who are you?" Mrs Brown asked.
Millie was coming downstairs at the same time.
"I'm Sadie.. uh Sadie Sink, I'm Millie's friend"
"Don't tell me she's lesbian because that's disgusting!" Millie's father shouted.
"What the hell dad? If I were gay, it would be my choice, so shut your mouth.. she's just a friend"
Millie saw her parents for 2 minutes and she was annoyed already.
"I think I'll go now.." Sadie said and walked to the door.
"I'm sorry.. but goodbye" Millie answered.

Sadie way back home

Sadie left Millie's house and she walked back to hers.
She was shocked about how fast the small talk with Millie's parents escalated.

When she arrived home she decided to text Finn.

hey finnnnnn. Next time
you see Mill don't make it THAT obvious.

what lmao.
by the way when you see
her say sorry from me

that you like her ofc.
but you know what.. she can't talk to you personally but maybe...

Idk what you are about to
do but I hope you right
because I want to talk to
her :'(
but I DO NOT like her

Sadie made a group chat
Sadie added Milz, Finnnn, noa and GaTen

lol you guys try to hard
with your names.
I'm just Sadie.


told yoaaa

idk what you taking bout
but hi


The fact that you wrote
your name without the h gives me anxiety. can you change it


Millie, I can't text you priv
so I have to say it here
I'm sorry didn't want to say
this shit

*Gaten happily jumping
up and down*

It's ok. lol whats with gaten?


They chatted a bit and then they went to bed.

Lmao the end "tHeY cHaTtEd a Bit aNd tHeN tHeY wEnT tO bEd" creative as frick Hanna
but I think the chapter is okay even tho it's boring


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