chapter thirteen

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In front of Millies house

I know that we actually shouldn't be talking right now but I wanted to say.. that we could maybe meet more often..?" Millie said and asked.
„Yeah I think that's a good idea!" Finn answered.
„Okay.. see you soon then?"
„Yeah.. bye Millie."

Finn walked away and thought about Millie. He didn't know if he should talk about his feelings with her.
,I have to talk with Noah' he thought.

Next morning

Millie woke up and realized that she dreamed about Finn. She wasn't sure but she was afraid that she might like him. She didn't know why but she didn't want to like him.


Finn woke up and immediately texted Noah. Hehe didn't do it last night because he knew that Noah wouldn't answer anyway.

can we meet at urs ? need to talk to u


Finn got ready and went to Noah's house.
He came in and they both went upstairs.

„So, what's wrong?" Noah asked.
„I- I have a huge crush on Millie.." Finn started
„Oh, thought so. Kinda obvious though."
„What do you mean.. obvious?"
„Yeah, I think Millie already knows this.."
„Oh, I wanted to ask you if I should tell her.. but if it's like that then..."
„No no no you should totally tell her. I just think she knows it."

After they talked they played some games and ate something and then Finn went back home.

He really wanted to text her. He opened Instagram because that's how they texted when they wanted to text private.

I have to talk to you Millie

Okay. What's up?

I mean I wanna meet and tell yo

K meet me at the hun cafe in 10 min

He was ready immediately, so he arrived at the Honey Cafe in 3 minutes.

He had to wait 15 but that wasn't a problem for him.

She entered the cafe and sat down in front of him.

They ordered both a lemonade and Millie ordered an apple pie.

„What did you want to talk about?"
„I wanted to tell you something"
„That's basically the same, just say it"

They got interrupted because the drinks and the pie were ready.

After they ate it silently, Finn started talking.

„Ok, I'll just say it.. I like you Millie"
„Wow, that's what you wanted to tell me? We are friends of course I like you too!" she said a bit nervously because she actually knew what he meant but she didn't want to admit it.
„No, I mean I REALLY like you, like I have a crush on you"

Even though Millie knew that was going to say it, she  was shocked.

She couldn't really think, so she stood up and ran away.

Finn sat there and tears came into his eyes. That was heartbreaking but hehe knew that it was a bad idea to tell her that he likes her.


A new chapter after a long time


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