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I woke up at eight in the morning to a phone call from a private number, the illumination from my phone screen was hurting my eyes but luckily my phone was in silent so I wasn't going to wake Sam up in the process of answering the phone call. I grabbed my phone and briefly looked over at Sam who was sleeping peacefully with his hand resting on my thigh as I went to get out of his bed he stirred slightly and I froze but he turned his body away from me making it a lot easier to leave his room and luckily the phone continued to ring so I left his room and closed the door slightly and I went into the bathroom where I answered the phone call.

"Hello who is this?" I asked curiously

'Carson, it's Michael.' The voice said and instantly I felt my heart rate pick up and my body become light and limp like I was going to pass out.

"What do you want Michael and how did you get my number?" I asked him sounding tired

'That doesn't matter listen-'

"No it does matter because I specifically told you to never contact me again that was the deal after I did you that massive deal." I snapped but knowing that I had to be quiet because I didn't want to draw attention to myself by waking up Sam

'I need you to come pick me up.' He said

"You're kidding me right? Why on earth did you think that I would be happy to come and pick you up after what you did to me?!" I said angrily

'Please Carson I'm desperate I'm being released at three and I can't get hold of my sister or my mum. You're my last resort.' He begged slightly and I sighed heavily,

"The reason that you can't get hold of them is because they changed their numbers and moved out of London but I'm not sure where they went." I explained to Michael and I heard a loud thud coming from his end of the phone like he punched a wall of something else that was solid
"Anyway give me one good reason why I should help you after what you did?" I snapped

'Because I know that you still care for me.'

"You must be joking! Michael I have finally sorted my life out I have new friends and possibly even a new partner I'm not having you mess this up for me." I told him

'What's his name?' Michael asked me seriously


'What's his name?' He asked me again

"His name is Sam." I told him reluctantly

'Does he treat you right?' Michael asked

"Yes he does, I'm not going to discuss this with you Michael you got yourself into this mess in the first place and I can't believe that you have the audacity to call me up and ask for me to come and pick you up from prison I'm sorry but you're on your own." I said honestly,

'Carson please wait-'

"Goodbye Michael." I said as I took the phone away from my ear and instead I ended the phone call, I then walked out of the bathroom and I stood in the kitchen for a few minutes before pacing around knowing exactly what I was going to do and knowing that I was going to regret my decision I sighed heavily and I went back into Sam's room and I walked over to where my bag was and I pulled out some clothes and I changed into then very quietly trying ever so very hard not to wake Sam who was lying in his bed- granted- he was a heavy sleeper but I couldn't risk him waking up and finding out where I was going because if I told him about Michael and what happened back in London he would try to convince me to stay because seeing him wouldn't be a good idea especially if he knew that I was going to pick him up from his prison after serving just over eight months of his nine months sentence.

HYPERSONIC MISSILES (*SAM FENDER FF*)Where stories live. Discover now