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It had been quite a while since the incident that happened at the club in America, my European tour was now in full kick and I had been on the road for the past four months playing show after show, night after night with the occasional day off or two and I was absolutely loving it I was loving meeting new people and visiting different cities and countries all around the world and I was especially enjoying the fact that I was able to do it was with my best friend. Every time that I started to miss home Sam would cheer me up in the simplistic of ways by either just taking my mind off the subject by talking about the most random of things or by just letting me rant to him about what exactly it was that I was missing about home and nine times out of ten it would be the fact that I was missing Harry— a week before I went on tour with Sam Harry wanted to go to Japan on his own so he could continue writing his second album and as much as he said he needed to clear his head I really didn't want him to leave me before I left to travel around Europe for a very long time, as much as I hated to say it we argued like hell. We screamed and shouted and cried, we both cried for a little while until he grabbed his suitcase from his cupboard and started to pack a lot of things from around his home into the luggage.

I just either sat on the bed when he was in his bedroom, sat on a chair when he was in the living room or I would lurk and watch him from across the room or from behind the doors of the rooms that he was in and I would do it in complete silence. Then the moment came when he looked out of the window and a car had pulled up outside his home so he could go and take a break to clear his head whilst he started to write his album.

"I'll see you soon Carson." Harry said softly to me with a croak to his voice because the two of us had only just calmed down after the shouting,
"As much as you may hate me right now for leaving you I love you so much— I adore you." He continued to say to me as he sniffled a little so I took a couple of steps towards him and I wiped the tears away from underneath his eyes that were sitting just above his cheeks, he closed his eyes and leaned into my hand slightly before dropping my hands to join the side of my body he then nodded his head and left me in his home and suddenly the whole place felt and looked a lot darker.

As bad and as wrong as it sounds I haven't actually spoken to Harry since then, I kept trying to call him and text him but none of the messages were being delivered and every time I tried to ring him it went straight to voicemail. It got me thinking about if we were even still together anymore and I really didn't want to think that we had broken up without having a conversation about our relationship but it was all that lingered on my mind most days and nearly every single night and I really wanted to stop thinking about him but he really was all that played on my mind on a constant basis.

Things were made a lot worse when pictures of Harry and his ex girlfriend Camille were circulating around online, it was said that they had met up when he was in Japan for a month and they slipped back into old habits by going out for food and some drinks while just spending time together and when I was shown these pictures my heart broke a little bit each time more and more of these pictures were uploaded for the whole world to see and make judgmental comments about the situation, Sam even tried getting in contact with Harry but he was having the same problems as I was and that nothing seemed to be working so eventually I just gave up on trying, since he had given up on us there wasn't any point in me putting my whole life and effort into a relationship the he clearly didn't want to be apart of anymore and truthfully, it hurt that we had ended so quickly because he told me that he had been in love with me for two years but obviously he didn't have any love left for me— it faded during those two years when I didn't reciprocate those feelings back to him because I didn't know anything about how he was feeling towards me.

"So we have the day off today, what do you want to see while we're in Paris?" Sam asked

"I don't know Sam I don't really feel like going anywhere I'm happy just staying on the tour bus." I sighed as I leaned my head on a cushion that was beside me

HYPERSONIC MISSILES (*SAM FENDER FF*)Where stories live. Discover now