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It had been roughly three months since I did the big gesture for Sam in the park and things were going really well between the two of us, he was still living in Newcastle and I was still in London so there was a fair bit of distance between the two of us but we didn't mind we knew we could make it work for us both. I had been debating on putting an album out in the new year with some of my most personal songs that I had ever written, most of them were written during the time when I was apart from Harry and when we had broken up and unintentionally after listening to his album when he came over to my home I had written subtle responses to his songs.

I knew I would have to show them to Sam and explain everything but I had a feeling that because he was there for me during the breakup he will understand what I was going through and he won't be annoyed if I decide to include them on a possible new album for next year. I had spoken to my manager about putting out an album next year and he thought that it was a good idea since it had been a while two years since my first one had officially been released so we were getting designs and recording times fitted into the schedule for me to proceed with the album which I was quite excited about doing.

I was sat in my bedroom in my dressing gown as I had just gotten out the shower, I had already brushed through my hair so it was now drying as it fell down the front of my chest. I was going through my brown leather song book as I was reading some of my ideas that I had scribbled over the pages jotting down ideas or crossing out ones that I didn't like and that's when my phone started to ring and when I looked down at it as it was lying face down next to me, I turned it up the right way and I saw that it was a FaceTime call from Sam and I smiled brightly as I answered his cal before it stopped ringing and when the phone connected his face came up on my screen and I smiled brightly at him.

"Hey." I beamed at him and he smiled back at me with a toothy grin which just extended my grin even more

'Hi, you okay?' He asked me and I nodded

"I'm fine what about you?" I asked in return

'Missing you.' He replied and I smiled sympathetically at him

"I was with you five days ago you can't miss me already." I rolled my eyes at his comment,

'Well I can and I do.' He replied
'Anyway what are you doing right now?'

"Nothing much I just had a shower and now I'm looking through my song book so I can pick out a new track list for a possible new album." I explained as I flicked through some pages

'Exciting.' Sam smiled at me

"Extremely, actually Sam while we're talking I have to tell you something." I sighed a little

'What is it?' He asked me looking a little concerned,

"Well the songs that I have written in this book are all mainly about my relationship that I had with Harry and if I do make this album then the majority of it is going to be either purely about him or about the two of us." I said

'Okay and what's the problem?' Sam asked

"I just thought I would tell you because I didn't want you to think that I was favouriting my previous over ours because I know how you can get." I told him honestly.

'I don't mind what goes on your album Sonny I'll love it no matter what but I do appreciate you telling me about it.' He replied and I sighed lightly with relief before letting a small smile form on my face

"Good." I replied

'Listen I better go, I've got some stuff to do here in Shields but I'll talk to you soon, I love you.' Sam said and I nodded my head

HYPERSONIC MISSILES (*SAM FENDER FF*)Where stories live. Discover now