•The Death that Started it•

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   You were being surrounded. Everything so fake, yet recognizable. You couldn't see, but weren't blind to anything. Emotions confused, colors combined, the shaking started. You felt like a deer in headlights. The bright beams flowed toward you in an awkward symphony. A jolt of life went through you and you sat up.

  (This will be in first person)

   I sat up, sweating. "(Y/n)! Are you alright?" Mom called. Still in a daze, I said yes. The bright light I saw before easily overwhelmed my now dark room. She peered into my room,"You were screaming, so I came to check on you," she said. "Oh, I didn't realize that," I answer. She nods, and walks away. Mom and I both have a hard time at comforting each other, or even expressing emotions. I flip over to the other side of the bed and grab the remote. It felt smooth in my hand. It was still new since I had got it for my twelfth birthday; a week ago.

   I fully put on the TV as the bright light flashed in my eyes, revealing many things in my room. "I have way too much stuff from the eighties," I sigh. After all, It was the nineties, and times changed. I flip on the clunky TV and turn on the news. I never knew why I liked to watch the news for going to sleep, but oh well. Dad would soon be home, and I knew he would bring something enjoyable for the breakfast. I looked back to the news and it said there was an accident on the freeway dad takes home. By closer inspection it was his car! Seeing it fully turned upside down I called for mom.
"(Y/n) (L/n)! Why is your TV on?" mom harshly asks after coming into my room. "Is that dad's car?" I question. As soon as she is about to answer me mom's flip-phone rings. When she answers I see a look of horror wash over her once calm face. She doesn't answer me as she takes my hand and gets me in the car.
The car is a mini-van, even though it was only me, mom, and dad. She is clearly stressed and won't answer any of my questions. I eventually give up asking. We arrive at a hospital and my heart momentarily stops. It really was dad's car, and he must have been in that wreck. It's hard for me to keep up as mom almost runs into the hospital.
   We surprisingly don't have to wait as a guide takes us through the hospital. It looks as something you would see in a horror movie. The wall and floor white, while dim lights flickered. I feel my (h/l), (h/c) hair as we walk down the halls. Mom is chewing on her nails while we walk. I drag my finger across the smooth walls as we get closer to dad's room.
   The nurse closes the door behind us and we sit down. Dad has many machines hooked up to him and has bandages all around his head.
  The nurse mutters something to my mom. "Will he be ok?" I ask starting to feel my eyes gather hot tears. The nurse ignores my question and takes mom into a separate room to talk.


   The sudden stopping of the machine startles me. This is when I realize what the machine was. Dad's chest has stopped moving up and down.
   Many doctors and nurses run into the room while me and mom wait in the other room. I saw coloring books that were clearly meant for children, on a coffee table. Mom is clearly shaking and I walk over to comfort her. She barely flinches at my hug.
    About 20 minutes pass. Nothing. Silence. A click. It turns out to be a doctor walking into the room. He solemnly shakes his head. I run into the operating room as my eyes overflow with tears. I feel like a dam just burst and my tears are the water flowing out of it. I hug my dad, thinking that it can't be true.
   Mom follows me in. Shaking violently and stuttering, she stammers "T-T-Thank y-you for t-t-trying." She then Grabbed my hand and we left.
   The minivan ride is mainly composed of me silently crying. This wasn't fair, I was an ok person what did I do to deserve him dying?
  When we get home I dash to my room and collapse. (Y/n)? (Y/n)? Don't loose faith, I'm right here watching over you. I jolt up knowing it's not really him. I fall back into a deep sleep.
   I am soon woken up by my mother. It's early, dark, and foggy. "Why are we out this early?" I yawn. First the first time since the incident last night mom finally talks. "We're going to go see dad." Before I can yell for her to stop it's too late. A loud crash happens when I fade in and out of consciousness. A nurse comes over and says. "Stay awake (y/n), don't fall asleep, and go go into any light-"
   Before she can finish I tune her out. It would feel so good to sleep right now. I think I'm just gonna take a quick nap.
   I awake in a crowded area with a large woman in front of me. She was huge- bigger and taller then any person I've ever seen.
  "Hello, (y/n)," she says. Her voice is like an Angel. Until I see she has literal wings and a halo. "Where am I," I ask. "Why, you're in purgatory," the angel answers. "You were a good person, not good enough to go straight to heaven, but good enough to go to purgatory. You will also not have as much time here as the normal person, since you are only 12. I must be going soon, so any questions?"
  "One," I manage to say. "Yes?" Where are my parents?" "They, They are in Hell, I am sorry my child." "Why my dad?" He cheated on your mother." "Oh."
   The Angel then disappears. I wish that I wasn't alone, was still alive, had more power.  Everyone here had grey robes, and no off things about them. I won't be able to pursue any of my dreams, I had finally been getting my muscular body I wish I had, because After years of  gymnastics I finally had a six-pack. I was also very flexible and strong, things I was never able to use other than for gymnastics.
  I feel like I am being engulfed in nothing but a black outline. I wake up in a black and white room. There is no color. I look down at my once (s/c) hands. They were now gray. A raspy, booming voice rattled my bones. " You say you don't want to be alone, and you want power?" The booming voice questions. "I guess, but who are you?" "Why, I am the very person who brought your sorry soul here!" The booming voice broke out in laughter before saying. "But really, I see potential in you kid." "What potential?" I ask. "Why, the potential to bring me three arch angel's souls." "I can't kill and Angel!" "(y/n), (y/n), I'm giving you such a rare offer, and you act like you don't want it?" "Well, if you're the grim reaper, why don't you kill the arch angels yourself?" "Because I would get my status taken away. YOU need to kill them." "Alright, I respond." I don't know what, but an odd confidence fills me. Surely if the grim reaper think you can do it, it must be true.  "Alright, what's in it for me?" I ask. He answers by saying, "A gigantic power in Hell, a status of killing arch angels." A black smoke appears in front of you.
   He appears. "For example," he says. I roll my eyes. If I can kill 5, will you teach me the ropes of my powers?" You grin. He chuckles. "I suppose, but I doubt you'll be able to kill one. He then hands you a scythe. "Return," he says. The scythe then turns into just a handle. "Fight," he says. You look up. " Good luck kid," he says. You smile, stuffing the handle into a pocket of your robe. "Thanks."

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