•In and Out•

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My line of sight glazed over all the other souls waiting to be let into heaven. There are two large gates and people crossing through them. As soon as they enter they are granted a halo and wings. They also get bigger. I see two very large angels guarding the gates. Arch angels.
I make the plan of how to get past. Say I came with my mom and lure one away. Once I'm in an area safe from others I use the scythe. The other angels will be alerted one arch Angel had just died. Then, They will send a clan. I will use the scythe to get past the first four I need. Then I will most likely be overwhelmed.
   "Nice plan kid," a voice in my head says. It sounds like the grim reaper. "You got that right. Then when they call me to throw your soul into the void, I'll collet it and take it to my dimension to hide and you can train," he says. "Alright, so I follow my plan and the rest will take care of itself?" I think. "Yes... it will hurt by the way now go!" He says.
Shit how much will it hurt though? He doesn't answer. "Gee thanks," I hiss to myself.
I walk up to an arch at the gates. By the looks, the most stupid. I know she will follow because I am only a kid. "E-excuse me misses, I know that you sure are important b-but I came here with my mom and I can't find her," I lie. "Oh love, let me help you," she says then nods at another arch. "Where Did you see her last?" She questions. "O-over here," I say leading her to a section of the area that no one occupied.
She looks suspicious, so I quickly add starting to sniffle, "S-she said to stay h-h-here and she left," I say. As she walks in front of me examining the wall. I take the chance and mumble fight. When she turns around I slash her with it.
I hear horns and the loud flapping of wings. Might as well hum the tune of my favorite song before I get " killed" by them. There were about 10-13 in the clan of archs. So I started to hum to myself:

Sweet Caroline
Slash slash slash
Good times never seemed so good
Slash slash
So good
Slash slash.

   I was barely into humming when I was seized. I guess the grim reaper's scythe really WAS an angel-killer. While they cuffed my hands with a glowing magic I counted how many I killed overall. Eight. More then enough for him. I must've been able to do it because they underestimated me. I guess I took them by surprise.
   They led me into the gates and as soon as I walked through a halo and wings appeared on me. Must happen to no matter the mortal that walks through. I soon realized the cuffs were burning my hands. "Agh!" I yell. They put another glowing piece of metal over my mouth. At least it doesn't burn.
   After walking me along many clouds, I wind up in a Roman-style building. I am in the middle of many seats surrounding me. Archs, high angles, the grim reaper, and others that I don't know what to identify are seated around me.
   They all quietly chat and mutter things I can't hear. I hear the crack of lightning and thunder. "(Y/N) (L/N), YOU ARE HERBY SENTENCED TO THE DEATH OF SOUL PENALTY FOR VIOLATING THE HIGHEST OFFENSE. KILLING ARCH ANGELS."

   I was soon surrounded by black. The grim reaper then took out his scythe. He slashed my chest and all I could think was, "traitor."
(Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/N)! Wake up! I quickly sat up. The grim reaper was standing over my bed. "Oh, did it work?" I ask. He nods and a smile spreads across my face.
   "It will take some years for no one to suspect you are alive, but you're dead so it won't feel too long," he says. "Alright," I say. "You start tomorrow. Get some rest," he grins. Slumber consumes me.
   I wake up dreary-eyed. After getting up and getting my blood pumping he comes into the gray room. "Hey. What should I call you?" I ask. "Death is fine," he says. "Now. This will hurt.. a lot," he murmurs.
  I feel a tingling sensation on my back and realize I still have wings. Death says something in a language I have never heard, and my wings feel metal clasps latch on. They go on my end wing bones and pierce through the skin. I scream. Black blood leaks down my once white wings. The blood makes my wings fully turn a dark gray. (Yes I am basing this off the cover I made.)
   Death is still chanting. My vision fades and it feels like someone is poking needles through my eyes. I feel like I'm being cocooned. Suddenly it's silent. I can only hear my own breathing.
  A light opens up. I see Death. "Yeah. That did hurt a lot," I hiss. He chuckles and shrugs. I get handed a mirror.
  When I look in my reflection I gasp. I could already see my wings but now I saw the rest of me. My once (e/c) eyes now looked like this ⬇️

   My skin was almost white, a small tint of my old skin color still lingered

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   My skin was almost white, a small tint of my old skin color still lingered. I had a much skinnier physique, but still had some of my old muscles. I also had longer limbs and torso.
   "So, not too shabby, still have some of your old features," Death said. I felt my now black hair. It has some yellow-ish highlights in it.
   I noded and he said, "Well I have to get back to collecting souls. You can explore the house while I'm gone. There's a gym to practice your powers, and while your here your body won't need to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom.
    He disappeared and I explored the large house. As I exited the room my eyes weren't the only thing with color. I now saw all the colors of a normal house. After some exploring I found the gym. As I walked in there was a note containing some of the powers I had. Telekinesis, Turing into a black bird, summoning crystal spikes, and more were what I had. Whenever I used these powers a black halo appear red above my head. This was after some years of practicing of course.
I was reading in the gray room when he appeared.

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