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   I say I'm going to head out, but in reality I'm just going to find Alastor. I walked through alleyways and feel like I'm being stared at. "You can come out," I say. I see Alastor appear from the shadows and jump. "Stop doing that," I say sternly. He chuckles and I say how I'm going to fight him. Alastor nods and we set off. I use my bird form while Alastor trails behind using some complicated shadow form. I am able to follow Mateo from the death he left behind. Guys are spread in the shape of words saying, "Mateo was here." They are still bloody, and there's some green stuff coming out of one. I walk a little further and see where he put the demon bodies. They look like someone spilled red paint all over them, but it's just blood. Burnt flakes of flesh fill the air, and I shift back and cover my nose. Alastor seems fine. A few demons had their heads smashed open from falling debree. I saw what looked like a chunk of skin with hair still in it. Yikes. We kept going, Alastor seeming surprised I didn't want to turn around. I saw chunky and drippy blood stuck to places all around. To my slight disgust, Alastor stuck his finger in some of the blood and licked it. This seemed to trigger something in him. "You go on (y/n). I'll stay back," he claimed. I knew he was a cannibal so even though it wasn't deer blood he'd probably eat some thing of all the blood. I jogged a bit forward before I heard the crunches and slushes of what could only be Alastor eating someone. I cringed at the sound of it. I shut my eyes to try to keep the sound out, and tripped and fell on something squishy. I really didn't want to move, but I knew I had to. I groggily got up, and looked down to see my front bloody, and what remained of and eyeball stuck to my chin. I hastily brushed myself off. I felt small bits of goop drip to ground as I saw more and more death. I tried to use my powers to extract the blood from my clothes, and it got the wetness but there was a stain.
I soon heard more screams and saw Mateo. "Hey Jackass!" I yell. He glares down at me. A large fire ball is shot at me, but it's easy to dodge since it's wearily thrown. I fly up to his height. I snap my fingers and a dragon skull appears (snas :0) It shoot at him disintegrating his arm. He turn around, sticky blood dripping from it. I see veins emerge and soon, his arm is replenished. "So you're this 'fallen angel' everyone has talked about. He hurdles more fireballs at me. I can tell he's about to fry and make me freeze up. "You're pretty confident considering you're going to die soon," I say. He scrunches his wolf snout up and bares his teeth. He uses his fire powers to fly down, so I float down too. He looks back at me. He charges toward me, but I stay still. I bring my hand forward, and make him fly backwards into a building. I see a little blood stain his furry head. (He's basically like a wolf or whatever)
I look around. No news vans. I guess most demons are hiding and even news companies are scared to face him. I grin and lung at him. He makes some shockwave effect launching me back. I slide on the ground, scraping up my hand. "Well I guess you might be a real threat. Who am I kidding? You're nothing. No one can defeat me." he said. Before I could move I was stuck. I couldn't move. I needed to get out of this trap or I would die. He advanced toward me progressively quicker. I tried to will my mind enough to make a crystal come out if the ground and launch me up. I felt myself being flung high into the air. I looked down and saw a yellow crystal appear where I was standing. My wings spread, and I charged toward his nasty face. I tumbled to the ground, bringing him down with me. Lots of bloody fighting ensued.
He would summon fire in his hand and burn me, but I was able to get at his eye before he really seared my arm. I saw the bloody thing dangling out of his socket. I cringed and before I could react he burnt his eye off. By the looks of it he tried to regenerate it. Nothing worked. He stood there in shock, mouth agape. I took my chance to summon my dragon heads and have them blast at him. I saw his body disintegrate right before my eyes. They disappeared and when I looked down. I saw that my lower arm was almost gone. I was barely hanging on to the other arm. I cringed. I felt the shock wearing off.

(if you're wondering why (y/n) didn't know what happened to her arm it's because she was busy fighting him, and the shock made her arm feel numb)

I almost remembered what he did with arm, so I tried it with mine. I saw small crystals growing where my arm was dangling and and a ring of dark yellow crystals formed where my arm was. I could still feel, but there was something different.
I heard the noise of a car coming, and instinctively knew it was probably a news van. I jumped into the alleyways and hid. I didn't know where Alastor was, but I backed into him. He knew what to do, and walked out and into the road like he killed Mateo. I was fine with this.

sorry this chapter took so long I had writers block but it's all fixed now

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