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   I sat there, now having some fragment of a real mind left. "Ok, Ok, ah shit! I don't know how to be a doctor!" Angel panicked. "Would you just calm down I'm sure you've put on a bandage before, let alone you've probably seen millions of gored up bodies before," I say rolling my eyes. I was in a medical room of the hotel, because, it's hell:someone is always going to be injured. I had my back to a wall; stomach exposed. What Lucifer's spell did was make me able to live, not stop feeling pain. And BOY DID IT HURT.
   I snatched the bandages out of Angel's hands saying, "give me that!" It was hard to maneuver but I managed by using my wings to sort of help tuck it in place. Now with non-bloody bandages I said, "I'm gonna go change into clothes that don't look like I got stabbed." "Will you please just tell me who did this to you, and at least if you killed them or not," he begged. "No," I say sternly. I walk up to my room.
    If anyone finds out Alastor did this to me, then he'll kill them for sure. Even with knowledge that he's gonna try and kill them, they don't have the proper things to protect himself. What am I thinking, I'd probably last only 5 seconds longer than them. I sigh. I never knew I liked him this much. I guess you only realize you lov-no like something once it's gone. Now I can expect he'll take any chance with me alone he has to kill me. Perfect.
   I change into a (f/c) mid-thigh skirt, with a (2/f/c) half shirt. A black spiked belt and collar, and fingerless gloves and tight leggings. Damn I liked you could wear basically whatever you want in Hell. Groaning from another pain on my torso, I walk down to plop on the couch by Angel.
   "You know (y/n)... were the only ones here~" Angel said wiggling his eyebrows. "Jesus Christ Angel," I said rolling my eyes. He burst out in laughter, and soon I did too. All good things come to an end.
   The door burst open with.. Alastor smiling wider then ever. He looked on the couch to see Angel... then me. Static and symbols seemed to form around him when he first saw me. Talk about mentally screaming inside. I started to freak out, considering if he tried anything I was in no way to fight. I thought the others would be here before him. Guess not.
It was extremely hard not to immediately try and kill him. "*ahem* Hello Alastor," I say, my words coming out like venom. "Greetings (y/n)! Why the long face?" he asked. He must have though it was hilarious to see me like this. Angel was quick to pick up on why I was injured. Before anything else could commence Charlie and Vaggie walked in. I had made sure Angel didn't tell anyone about my injury.
   They looked surprised to see me. Obviously Alastor had probably made some excuse of why I wasn't there. I shifted positions on the couch which made me groan. "Uh, you ok (y/n)?" Charlie asks. "I lift my shirt to show her the light red bandages, which makes her gasp. I glare at Alastor who is creepy almost shaking, weird. "Someone, snuck up behind me while I was *cough cough* um, walking and stabbed me. But hey, they were enough of a dumbass not to finish me off," I make sure to directly make eye contact with Alastor on the last part. "Okaaaaay," Charlie says walking away.
   "Well as much as I'd love to stay, I have some business to do," Angel said. I try to play it cool even though I'm freaking out inside. I try to get up to leave after him but something is holding me down. I look back to see Alastor still sitting there, with that snake creepy smile on his face. Almost as soon as Angel is out of hearing distance from the hotel I say, "WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?! WHAT DID I DO!?" I scream. By now I'm sat up more straight on the couch my halo showing  it's full form indicating I'm making sure my powers on standby. "My my my, darling you're always looking for the things you did do, when the real question is what you didn't." he says confidently. "What do you mean?" "Well, for starters you should have checked before leaving your, erm, Exterminator persona. As someone who watches every extermination don't you think it would be weird if there was one less exterminator that left? And why wouldn't I follow the one that looks as if they are in charge~" My anger is boiling now, and as I'm about to strike at him I get frozen in mid-air. "Hahaha! (Y/n), don't you know not to try and kill someone when they are entirely expecting it?" Alastor asks. "Ugh! Let me go! Just kill me now if you must!" I say. "Hmm, my dear, do you know why I want to kill you?" he asks. "Uh, to take my power of controlling the exterminators to take over Hell?" I ask sheepishly. "You are correct! It's nothing against you in fact, I actually liked you!" he says the last part quieter and looking down. Sheesh.
   "But now I know you control the exterminators, so that will never happen." he says. Extending his hand, Alastor hurdles me to him so we're face to face. Even though his is trying to kill me it's still embarrassing being that close to someone. "Um, do you mind?" I ask.

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