Merry Christmas

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  sorry for not updating i was on vacation. merry christmas, because I forgot to update earlier. if u don't do christmas then happy holidays! Here's a small part of the next chapter! sorry if it's bad I was in a rush :)

   When I hop out of the shower a wave of feelings floods to me. I guess I was in some kind of sick shock after killing my father.
   A wave of hot tears flow down my face. A sick part of me wishes that I let him suffer more. Sure I could kill a stranger but my father? Really? I feel like puking.
    I finish getting changed and blow dry my hair. Today was a long day, and I plop down in my bed. A sigh escapes my mouth. Picking at my nails, I turn on the tv and fall asleep.
   My eyes quickly open from hearing a loud crash. I check my door to make sure it's locked. I realize I'm still oblivious to what Hell holds. Relaxing, I lay back down. When I enter my state of sleep I begin to dream.
   I see many people running, but besides that fact something's still not right. A bright flash of light takes me to a palace with Charlie and what only can be Lucifer. Her mother is pacing the floor while Charlie cries.
   "What are we going to do?" Charlie's mother frantically asks. "We had the same frets when Alastor first arrived. She'll get erased when she challenges him," Lucifer calmly said. Charlie's mother didn't look too pleased with that answer. Charlie was still crying, and it was very unnerving.
   An explosion blew the wall away and someone burst through the smoke. Me. I start laughing wildly and make Charlie and her mother fly into a wall. A look of rage spreads across his face before turning into a goat demon thing. Two extravagant wings spread from his back. They were much bigger then mine. He summons a black looking smoke and I summon my dragon heads. We both look to be charging up our powers.
    I try to shout stop and run in between the fight but something ties me down, and I am unable to move. My throat feels scratchy. Right before they fire at each other I wake up in a cold sweat.
   6:00AM. "What was that?" I mumble to myself.

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