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   "Well (y/n) It is great to be meeting you, but I must be going," Alastor said in that weird radio voice. "Yeah.. you too," I say skeptically. He walks away.
    "Why the fuck is he not tryin to kill us?" I ask. "I dunno apparently this is 'entertaining' for him," Angel said while getting a popsicle from a mini fridge. "Yikes," I say. Angel says he's going out and I just nod. I never had the chance to drink when I was alive, or when I was in Death's dimension. I walk over to the bar.
   I sit down there and try to remember what people would even order at bars. ( (f/a/d)= favorite adult drink) "Uh, can I get a (f/a/d)," I order. "Sure thing," Husk says.
   I sip the drink when he opens a bottle of cheap booze. "So, uh, (y/n), right?" He asks. "Ya," I respond. "Are you a fallen angel or something?" Husk asks. "Not exactly, you see I went to purgatory and entered the gates of heaven before it was my time. When you enter you get a halo and wings no matter what," I inform him. "Why'd you enter heaven early?" He asks. "Court trial."
   He asks why I was in court and I tell him the story. I don't tell him about my abilities though. I order two more drinks, but already feel a little loopy. I find out that I can hold alcohol very well. I leave the bar at the first floor and go up to my room. It's pretty late by now so I plop down on my bed. I figure I'll just get clothes tomorrow.
   I wake up groggy-eyed. 6:00 AM. I groan and get myself presentable. I walk downstairs at 7. I see Charlie, Alastor, and Nifty. "Hi (y/n)!" Charlie cheers. "G'morning," I say.
  Alastor is drinking coffee while Charlie looks to be drinking hot chocolate. I sit down at the dinner table they're sitting at. Nifty asks what I want and I say I'm fine. Charlie and Alastor both have breakfast in front of them and I just sit with nothing. "Are you not going to eat my dear?" Alastor asks. "I'm not a breakfast person," I answer.
Sooner then later Vaggie and Angel come down to eat. After there done eating, we all get ready to do daily things. Alastor goes out, Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, and Nifty stay at the hotel to do work. "Im going out," Angel exclaims. Vaggie rolls her eyes and Angel looks like he wants an answer from me. "Uhh, yeah I'm just gonna go shopping and get food," I say. "Oooh I'm coming with," Angel says. "Whatever," I say distracted.
We leave the hotel and Angel immediately grabs my hand and drags me through the area. We stop at several clothing places, me picking out an assortment of hoodies and such.
   We finish about an hour later and Angel checks his phone. "Well, I have some *ahem* business to attend to," Angel said. I didn't have to think twice on what that business was. "Sure thing, I'm gonna get some food," I say. He waves a hand and walks off.
   I stroll into a coffee shop, now hearing the whispers that I didn't hear when Angel And I were shopping. Guess when I had some kind of fun I ignored the demons gossiping about me. I just shrugged it off. I sat at a booth looking out the window. A voice startles me when I hear it. "Mind if I join you darling?" A radio-like voice says.
I almost jump seeing it was Alastor. "Oh, sure I don't mind," I say. He slides into the seat across from me. "So, since you are staying at the hotel that I help run, I thought it would be nice to get better acquainted." Alastor never stopped smiling while he talked. "You see (y/n), you sparked an interest in me. It's not everyday that you meet a fallen angel." The way Alastor talked made it clear he presumed I was the one who killed the arch angels.
"Let's just get to the point darling," he said as his eyes turned into radio dials. "People like you tend to cause slight problems for me. So don't think about trying anything." I felt my pupils dilate as the static and symbols around me disappeared. "I'm sure you can relate to me not wanting any problems dear~" Alastor almost hissed the words. "Uh, don't worry. I may look like this but I would probably die instantly if I did anything," I lied. I may have been bad at most things when I was alive but I am a skilled liar. His attitude seemed to brighten at my remark.
"Well then dear, I am terribly sorry for my inconvenience. Let me treat you to coffee to make up for it!" Alastor said. "Oh, really? Thanks Alastor," I say.
He may be a deranged serial killer, but he was still a gentleman in some twisted way. We talked a bit before he hurried off to somewhere. Almost as soon as I walked out of the coffee shop I was grabbed by a multitude of arms.
"Why the hell were you having a coffee date with him?" A recognizable voice asked me. When I turned around to see who was in the alleyway that pulled me off to the side. "Oh, hey Vaggie!" I say happily while chuckling. "It wasn't a date, he just saw me in the place and thought it would be nice to get to know me. Wait a minute why were you watching me anyway?" I hiss.

(Sorry this is a shorter chapter I have been very busy this week. Sorry for any spelling errors as well; didn't have time to check)

Fallen (Alastor x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora