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Vaggie's POV
   Who the heck was that person, and how did she just fly off like that? I was barely able to see her before as she turned into a bird almost immediately. As I looked closer, the bird had a halo! This was definitely a dangerous demon if they were able to turn into that bird. I need to tell Charlie. Screw going to pick up coffees.
   I ran as fast I could back to the hotel, it was only two blocks away but still. I opened the door and said, "Can we talk somewhere in private please Charlie?" She got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

Normal POV
   I'll have to get better at not running into people. I hope that the x girl didn't see me. She must have been high status if she was with the princess and the radio demon. I'll look into that later, but right now I need to get a job. I really didn't feel like competing with anyone for turf. I chuckled at how I am still like my old self, not liking work too much.
I walked down the streets ignoring the various stares and mutters. After all, it was practically guaranteed that my presence would become known. At least other demons seemed to be too shocked to mess with me.
I went to the building that I sat on while watching the previous chaos of the radio demon.
'Hazbin Hotel'; it'll do. I walk in without money considering I would leave without paying in a few days. I knocked on the door before seeing it opened by the infamous princess of Hell. Her eyes lit up as she asked me to step inside. All I could see was her and the x girl sitting on the couch. She didn't seem to notice me considering she was yelling at a spider thing. "Welcome to the Happy Hotel! I'm Charlie and are you looking to get a room here?" She almost yelled. "Uhh, yeah could I get a room here?" I ask keeping my eye on the x girl. Charlie seemed to jump at my question. "Yes! What's you name by the way? That's Vaggie, and he's Angeldust. "(Y/n)," I say. Vaggie looked up at me before looking down and up again. She seemed to sprint in front of Charlie. She mumbled something to Charlie along the likes of: that's the girl I was talking about.
Charlie shrugged her off and grabbed my wrist and led me over a to bar-type thing. "That's Husk, and that's Niffty!" She said. Husk didn't seem to be phased by me and Niffty plainly greeted me. Charlie took me over to a desk and handed me a keycard. "Angel would you show (y/n) to her room please?" She asked sweetly. He groaned and got up.
   "So what's with the half halo," Angel asked. I wasn't gonna tell him, but half of Hell already knows that the 'archangel killer' is here, so what the hell. "Fallen angel thing I guess," I say. "Jesus it's gonna be easy for you to get back to so called 'heaven then isn't it?" He asked. "I don't think heaven is gonna let me back in ~heh~." By this time we were already at my room. "Err, I'll tell you the rest later. Bye," I said shutting the door and locking it.
I quickly threw myself into the bed. I was tired. I fell asleep for about an hour. I am woken up by a knock on the door. When I open it I see an angry-looking Vaggie at the door. She walks toward me backing me into the room. "I don't know what your mission is here, fallen angel, but I think you should leave before I make you," Vaggie hissed. When she did this something inside me snapped. "Listen here you little shit, I could kill you with a snap of my fingers. The only thing keeping you and Charlie alive is the fact half of Hell would be against me if I killed you. You better watch your bitchy little mouth. Now, if you dare tell Charlie or anyone about out little 'Chat', I will personally blow your brains out." By the time I finished I felt my dragon heads next to me and my wings unfolded. I relaxed and the heads and halo went back to normal. I knew I wasn't as powerful as I was saying but I needed the 'threatening' appeal.
"Ugh whatever. Stupid (y/n). Stupid fallen angel," Vaggie mumbled something in a different language under her breathe. I snickered are her anger, I don't know why but it entertained me. After fixing my hair up and straightening myself out I turned into my bird form and flew down the stairs. I needed to practice it anyways. I transformed right before anyone saw me. "Ah! (Y/n)! Why don't you sit down with us!" Charlie exclaimed. I sat down next to Angel as Charlie walked over to talk to Nifty and Vaggie.
   "So ya were talkin about that uh, fallen angel thing," Angel reminded you. "Oh yeah. Y'know, made a deal with Death, killed like 8 arch angels in purgatory." "How the fuck did ya do that?" He sounded shocked. "Got a scythe for killing angels, took them by surprise cause I was around thirteen," I calmly say. "And what did Death give you in return?" "Powers I guess," I say a grin forming. I feel my halo become whole and snap my fingers. A large dragon head appears charging its blaster. Angel looks shocked and I chuckle.
   "Chill out," I say punching his shoulder. "Agh! Don't do that," he yells. We both burst out laughing like kids. Charlie smiles and the fact we're getting along but Vaggie still hate me.
   After 20 minutes if making fun of the news reporters, various demons, and a LOT of dirty jokes the door opens. In walks the one and only, radio demon. My heart sinks. I'm gonna fucking die I'm gonna fucking die I'm gonna fucking  die. I tell my brain to shut up. Maybe he's nice. Besides, I could probably beat him ima fight. Maybe.
   The radio demons smile widened as he saw me. I almost immediately jerked my eyes away from his. In a voice you would hear on an old radio he said, "Greetings darling! My name is Alastor and you are?" I almost couldn't respond to the question I was paralyzed with fear.
"(Y/n)," I say.

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