Ready or not

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If the radio woke everyone else up, it was their problem. Tina was in a fabulous mood, and if the others couldn't respect that, then... then they...

Then so what?! They can be grumpy sods. I'm happy and they can damn well deal with it!

With that, Tina twisted the knob on the radio a little further right and the brassy tune grew slightly louder, just enough to mask the sound of her bare footsteps as she trod lightly through the kitchen. She threw in a playful spin and stretched for the frying pan, then placed it on the stove.

This song had been one of her favourites when she was younger. Tina hadn't heard it for years. She began humming along, pleasantly surprised that she remembered it so well.

Her hand reached up to the cupboard door, then groped around for a bit before laying claim on the table salt.

I could've just used my wand for that!

Then, with a mild sigh, she reminded herself that she didn't have one. Not yet, anyway. She'd get one as soon as Newt was well enough to go with them.

Her hand faltered, and she almost dropped the salt. A joyful flutter spun in her heart at her own mention of Newt.

"Oh, Newton! What are you doing to me?" she teased herself aloud.

Soon. He'd be able to come with them so, so soon... Tina could flawlessly picture it already. The two of them- no, all six of them, strolling through Diagon Alley, peering into shop windows and chattering avidly.

What would the alley look like? Would it be wide and pretty, with garlands and lights strung everywhere? Maybe cramped and clustered with curious gizmos, and loud with the hustle and bustle as customers haggled their respective prices. Maybe it would be quiet and reserved... a nice cafe on one corner, perhaps? And a few stalls with patterned banners...

She'd find out soon. After all, it had been two days since Newt was told he'd be able to come home soon. If everything went right, Nick would let him leave the hospital today.

Just the thought caused a radiant beam to break across her face.

Tina gathered eggs, milk, spinach, cheese and shredded ham before whisking it into a mixture, all while humming to the music, with the occasional skip or spin thrown in.

She found herself singing the lyrics out loud as she poured the liquid into the pan, praying silently that her nonexistent cooking skills would shine through.

Growing free enough to let out a laugh, Tina tapped her feet rhythmically on the tiles before spinning and throwing one hand into the air like a salsa dancer. She skidded to a halt long enough to flip the omelette over, then reached for the pepper, retreating back to humming as she did.

Before the song had finished, Tina's breakfast was ready. She twirled towards the cupboard, determined to savour the last few lines of her favourite tune.

Before completing her third spin, however, she collided with a warm, firm surface... then looked up to find that it was Theseus.

Tina backed away just as the song ended, her cheeks blooming red.

"Morning," he lilted complacently after a moment, a smirk already lining his face.

"How long have you been standing there?" Tina demanded by way of greeting.

Theseus scratched his neck.

"Not long. I could ask you the same question."

"Not long," echoed Tina, her voice brittle. "Want some breakfast?"

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