Perfuma (2) (FL)

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This one is for ImjessyM ! I hope you enjoy!
I had a bit of trouble writing this story bc im a dumb dumb and didnt know how to start it off so like,, hA??
It's been around 4-5 years since you and Perfuma got engaged. Today was your anniversary, and you were going out to celebrate. You really wanted a kid, but Perfuma wasn't ready so you decided to lay off and live peacefully in Plumeria. You had talked about having children beforehand, and knew that now, she was ready.

"Where are we going, (name)?" Perfuma asked, confused. "Its a surprise!! No spoilers!!" you almost shouted. You had the day all planned out: Go to the fields and watch nature in the morning, Have lunch at the cafe in the afternoon, and in the evening you'll surprise her by taking her to the surrogate that you had paid to hold your child/children. You knew that Perfuma was gentle and would be a great mum, so what better way to spend your anniversary than to actually have a child in your lives?

It was around 11AM and you were both laying hand in hand near the oak trees of the whispering woods. "Cmon, we have more things to do!" you said quietly, dragging perfuma up off of the ground. It was a bit hard, since she was way taller than you. You both made your way to the cafe to eat.

-magic timeskip brought to you by bows dads-

It was 7pm and you asked Perfuma to close her eyes. She done as you asked, and you lead her to the surrogate's home. She invited you in silently, and you both sat down on her sofa. "okay, 3.. 2.. 1.. Open!" Perfuma opened her eyes wide and saw the surrogate mother sitting infront of her. "Surprise! I know how much you wanted a child last year, and since we cant have one ourselves, I got us a surrogate!" you said excitedly. Perfuma lept up and hugged you while spinning round. "Oh my god!! You're the best!!" she shouted joyfully, kissing your cheek lightly before asked the mother if she can feel the baby. "How far along are you?" "7 months". Lets just say, that 2 months later you were a happy family of 4.

This one was hard to write since:
A) this story is non-gender specific.
B) I hate kids.

so yeah, but I hope you enjoyed!
word count: 413

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