Mara (1) (FL)

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Mara appreciation time bitches
credit to bluerimo for the prompt (again) bc im big dumb and can't think of shit for myself to write
super fluffy!!!!
You and Mara have been friends since childhood. She decided to bring you with her when she went to the new found planet "Etheria", considering that you guys were basically inseperable. This was 2 weeks ago. You were now running around freely, giggling loudly. You were the more childish one, the person who's always laughing for one reason or another.

A few days after, Mara came back with a sword. She hadn't got a clue on what it does or what to do with it, but she got a strong signal from it. "Have you figured out what it does yet?" you asked, crouching on a rock. "No, but it calls to me. I don't know how, but it wants something." Mara said, picking up the sword and looking into the cerulean blue gem in the middle. Mara put the sword down and came over to sit on the rock with you. "I'm gonna go visit Razz, and I'm taking this weird ass sword with me." she said, chuckling at you. "Okay dokey." you replied, still chasing a small butterfly. Mara came back from visiting Razz to find you, in a tree with a large pigeon on your head. "(name), get yourself down here and get that pigeon off of your head, I figured out what to do with this sword!" Mara shouted, running towards you. "Okay, what does it do?" you asked, staring intently at it. "This" Mara answered, lifting it up and shouting something. You stared up at Mara in awe. She was 8ft tall with flowing, golden hair. "Woah.." you whispered, your mouth slightly agape. "I learned from Razz, amongst her confusion, that this form is called 'She-ra'." Mara said, looking down at you slightly.

A month later, Mara was away doing She-ra stuff and you were preparing a "well done Mara" party, which consists of only you and Mara. You were really into her, and you thought that hey, if this goes cool then I can confess. You had just finished putting up the bunting, and Mara walked in. "(name), what's all this for?" she asked, tilting her head slightly to the left. "It's a party for all the things you've accomplished!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms up. "Hold on, I gotta get something." you said, running behind a tree. You came back out with some flowers. "So, since you're She-ra and all, I thought it'd be nice to throw you a party and to tell you how I feel. I-" before you could confess, Mara pulled you closer and kissed you softly. You stood there, astounded at what just happened before grinning widely and hugging her.

You were now Mara's sidekick, helping her fight. You accompanied Mara back to her ship after she decided to put the planet in despondos. You passed out afterwards and didn't know what was going on until you heard a crash. You woke up and saw Mara lying next to you, the ship was destroyed. The ship had somehow gone back to Etheria, and it crashed. You gasped and rushed over to Mara. "Mara? Are you okay?" you asked, panicking. She didn't answer.
A bit of a bittersweet chapter, started fluffy and ended with death.
o o f I hate writing death scenes but I guess it's only appropriate for this type of character.

Funnily enough, we don't actually know how mara died. Some say old age and im over here like, "how did the ship crash if it was already on etheria" so that's where that came from.
this is a shorter chapter bc H A i keep losing inspiration

word count: 633

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