Shadow Weaver (2) (FL)

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sorry it took so long, @FairyQueen129
I space out my chapters so that the same characters aren't right next to eachother
"Come on, (name)." she said as you started casting again. The spell was unsuccessful. "You need to focus." Shadow Weaver spoke, her hand guiding yours into the correct position. Being the only other sorceress in the horde was tougher than it looked. Rather than spending your hours with the cadets in the training room, you spent them in the black garnet chamber with Shadow Weaver, improving on your spells and enchantments. Your eyebrows creased, your focus and concentration slipping away each time you failed a spell. "You need to let your mind free," Shadow Weaver instructed, "You're stressing yourself out." "It's kinda hard, you know." you replied, daring to test the woman's patience. Out of you, Catra and Adora, you were obviously shadow weaver's favourite. You were older than them by at least 5 years, meaning that you were a legal adult before they turned 14.

You started casting the spell again, but your focus was higher now thanks to your mentor's advice. You were always well behaved, never disobeying orders or breaking the rules of the fright zone. That's what Shadow Weaver liked about you, your compelling urge to follow orders, you were a sheep and they were the shepherds. You once again started casting, the blue orb of energy forming in your hands. This time, the spell was successful. "Well done, let's move on to a more advanced spell." Shadow Weaver said, creating a ball of energy to show you the new spell you would be learning.

Weeks later, you were still struggling with the new spell Shadow Weaver was teaching you. "You need to relax. You're stressed out." She said, standing behind you. Your breathing hitched slightly, and your concentration was slipping away slowly. You knew that you probably shouldn't be feeling like this, considering that Shadow Weaver was your mentor, but you couldn't help it as she was standing behind you. Shadow Weaver put her hand on your shoulder, making you tense up. She noticed that you were sweating, and therefore thought you were tired. "You should rest. Come back tomorrow for your next lesson." She said softly, leading you out of the chamber. You speed walked to your room, which was separated from the cadets, and flopped down on your bed. You started to change into your pyjamas, laying down and drifting into slumber.

You woke up to the sound of a knock on your door. You quickly threw on some clothes and opened the door to find your mentor. "Come, we start early today." She sounded eager to continue, which wasn't usual at all. She led you to the black garnet chamber, and immediately started teaching you. You were slightly taken aback by her 'go go go' attitude today, but you weren't complaining. As long as you learned, you didn't care.

You started casting again, but the spell was faulty and you ended up with a large gash on your upper arm and cheek, wincing in pain. Shadow weaver's eyes widened when she saw your condition, before running to snatch a first aid kit. She bandaged up your arm and face, which reddened your cheeks slightly at the contact. "Are you alright? I didn't think the spell would become faulty like that." She said, genuine concern showing in her voice. "Yeah, I'm alright. I, uh, should probably rest back in my room-" "No, stay here. I want to show you something." She cut you off, putting her hand onto your good shoulder. You looked up at her, and nodded, staying in your spot. You didn't know this, but Shadow Weaver was quite fond of you. She took your hand and put hers on top of it, rubbing your knuckles softly. She cupped your cheek, and moved some hair out of your face. "I've always admired you, (name). You have such determination and dedication." She said, and she actually meant it. Shadow Weaver removed her mask, and moved your good hand to cup her cheek, which was odd since it was usually the other way around. Your cheeks were rosy, and your eyes were slightly widened. Shadow Weaver leaned in to kiss you, and you instantly returned the kiss. She slid your body into her lap, and smiled at you. You chuckled softly and pecked the top of her head, hugging her tightly before falling asleep in her arms due to your tired form.
damn, i got this out before the deadline.
word count: 762

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