Entrapta (2) (FL)

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Okay,, this is part of a quadruple update. Four chapters in one night lmao-
be prepared for this update or perish in the eternal hugs of Scorpia (why was that gonna autocorrect to scoliosis?)
credit to bluerimo for the prompt
the fluffy :)
Working with entrapta was harder than it seemed. You were usually the one running errands for her, while she sat in her lab discovering the secrets of the first ones. You knew your way around the castle, seeing as it was a maze, kind of like the earth store, "H & M". Since you actually came through a wormhole from earth, you had lots of stories from your old life. You had the chance to leave a note before you left, saying that you've disappeared under mysterious, other-worldly circumstances. Your dad, who was quite good at understanding this stuff, knew exactly how to put it to your mother, and she understood. You enjoyed your new life more than your life on earth, seeing as you were basically living your dream. You'd always wanted to work with technology, and you were now doing just that. "(name), can you pass me the wrench?" Entrapta said, but it came out muffled due to her mask. "Sure!" you shouted, using your ferrokinesis to summon the wrench over to her . Oh yeah, you now have metal powers. Isn't that awesome? Since your arrival, you had so many new friends, but entrapta was your best friend. You both had the same interests and hobbies, and you both loved technology.

Entrapta had a load of theories, but she didn't know who to share them with. She usually just had a tape recorder to keep her theories incase she forgets, but then you arrived. Entrapta had someone to share her theories with, but she just didn't know how to lay it out. "Hey, entrapta, I heard you talking into that recorder thingy. What's going on? Are you.. making theories? " you asked, putting your hand on her shoulder as her eyes lit up. "Yes!! I've always wanted to have someone to share my theories with!! Do you wanna hear them? I would love it if you would hear them!" She exclaimed excitedly, practically bouncing in her seat. "Sure." You said, interested in what she had to say. You also loved theorising, and the fact that entrapta loved to do it aswell made your heart flutter. You sat down with her in her messy bedroom, listening to her rant away, explaining what things could happen in her experiments. Once she was done, she was grinning like a child, her body radiating pure excitement. Your face was quite red after watching her for some time, since as many of your earth friends knew, you were the big gay, and entrapta was the only person to fully release that gayness.

The events that happened after entrapta's rant were your favourite moments ever. You were both sitting on her bed eating tiny food, talking about first one's tech and all that stuff. Seeing entrapta happy made you happy. You eventually grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her round to face you, while you were basically a tomato. "(name), are you okay? Your face is red!" Entrapta asked worriedly, cupping your cheek, which made you even redder. The only way to delete the redness was this. Since you were brave, you leaned forward and kissed her softly, until entrapta fell over and you ended up straddling her. "I uhm-" you stuttered, red as all hell, before entrapta just giggled, pulling you closer and kissing you again. "I didn't know you felt that way, (name). Thanks for letting me know." Entrapta said, pulling you in for cuddles. You sighed contently, and melted into entrapta's embrace, before falling asleep in her arms. "I love you, (name)." "I love you too, Trapta."
next up: Catra!!
This one's gonna be fluffy (literally, bc yknow, shes a cat? get it? okay I'll leave) and very wholesome so watch out!!
word count: 666

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