So, season 5

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there WILL be spoilers here so if you haven't seen it yet, leave NOW to save yourself from spoilers lmao

so catradora shippers, how we feelin?
i aint got no photos excuse my unpreparedness

i wasn't rootin tootin for catradora to happen at first but I'm slowly warming up to the idea, which is good

Wrong Hordak is my constant mood, literally he's just so clueless it's kinda cute

Shadow Weaver sacrifice? kinda scared me not gonna lie, but we got a face reveal then she got vibe checked

pERFUMA WITH A FUNKY HAT???? I literally loved that episode so much, Scorpia singing was something I didn't know i needed until now. Prince peekablue lowkey looks like a lesbian at a masquerade ball

it's been one hell of a ride, and i gotta say, I don't cry often but this last and final season really got the waterworks going. From horde prime being a dick, catra's new haircut, the star siblings (who i wish could've gotten more screen time) and so much more.

Thank you, Noelle, for everything.

damn I'm gonna miss this show lmao

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