Scene 2 - No chance of return to Gallifrey

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The ship still flies dangerously through space as it dodges and misses the Dalek missiles, speeding through space and racing against the Daleks – intent on their destruction. Inside the spaceship, the Doctor and Susan rush to examine the controls and come to a conclusion.


What on earth are you doing here Susan!


Not now grandfather, we need to get away from the Daleks.


Yeah, in case you hadn't forgotten. We've been dead lucky so far that we haven't been killed by Dalek firepower yet!


Right. Well the Daleks use time corridor technology, and if we can...


And make it twice more powerful! No, we can make it even more powerful grandfather. We can use both our TARDISs to materialize this ship at Dido. I'll do it, grandfather, your is only a Type 40.

She quickly rushes back out to her TARDIS, leaving the Doctor insulted.


Only a Type 40? Good thing the old girl isn't here to listen to that.

BANG! Another part of the left-wing is hit! It shakes up the ship and explodes more of the controls as the pilots scream in this desperate situation. The red flashing lights up on the scanner for the entire left side of the wing.


They're going to kill us!


I am doing my best, we're still alive.


But we've lost one of our engines!


Yep, and we couldn't live without it!


Just keep her steady as possible you two. I only hope Susan knows what she's doing!

The Dalek saucer swarms in towards the other ship.

Dalek 1:


Dalek 2:


Susan rushes into her TARDIS disguised as a solid grey block outside the Doctor's police box. Inside her own TARDIS, the design of the basic original TARDIS she travelled in once, the "analogue themed" version, the first. When the doors swing open Susan hurries to the dematerialization lever before her monitor pictures the entire ship as she pulls the small lever on the same side of the console, at the very left, down slightly. Then, her TARDIS begins materializing with the time column rising up and down. The lever she pulled took the entire ship with it to be transmitted through time. As the ship is about to be destroyed, some of the Daleks cry...



The final missiles and lasers are launched as the ship vanishes just in time, before it would have exploded to oblivion. It flows through the time vortex as Susan expertly pilots her ship. The two pilots hold tightly onto their safety belts as their instruments override and spike erratically.


Hang in there Blake!

The Doctor rushes out into Susan's TARDIS quickly through the unstable time vortex.


Grandfather, we're materializing on Dido shortly.


But the Daleks will still be able to follow us with their time corridors!


It will take them ages to do so, then we can work from there. A new model. What do you think?


Rather basic. Listen, you and I need to have a little chat.


I'm getting them to safety, where they need to. That's what you would do first. We're here now.

She leaves quickly, leaving the Doctor to watch her depart her TARDIS. Then, he decides to follow. The ship entrance has opened, two steel sliding doors have opened in hold with the two TARDISs. Susan and the Doctor rush out with the two pilots jumping out of the craft, delighted they are still alive, rushing out and breathing in the air of the planet.


Thank god, we're back. And in one piece. Thank you, Time Lords.


We may have been killed in that!


You wanted to come. And now we don't exactly have much chance of returning to Gallifrey.


The Daleks will be closing in on us. I don't know how much time we'll have before they come. And we need to make us of every second we have.

They stand on the rocky surface of Dido, their rocks seemed to glow with bright orange clouds in the sky and the small little plants flowering and flickering in the light, with all colours and textures. The ship is parked by some rocks, stretching up high into the sky, at the edge of a huge open pit. On the left side of the ship, some more vessels have been abandoned and left to erode, and something snaking from ship to ship. The other side of the open, some entrance leading into some caves – a small hole or passageway. Some more people exit out, maybe some more settlers on Dido. They scan the area before them. The Time Lords admiring the planet.


Then we need to prepare for an invasion. Dido. Mutter Spiral. Year 2497. Blake, Fies, we need everything we can get in order to fight the Daleks with.


I hate this place. I hate it! We've got to get out! We've got to get out of here!


We had to make a forced landing here, so stop quivering. It won't help anyone.


The others are waiting here. Besides, that's them up ahead.

Behind the craft, we see the tail of something wriggling at the back, a glimpse we can just see out of it. A small little creature, as the tail then disappears behind...

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