Chapter 6

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Laurens P.O.V

It was morning, I could tell by the blinding light passing through the curtains. I sat up. I was naked, and I looked to the right, there was Lucy.

She always helped me to take my mind of things, she wasn't my girlfriend but we met many years ago. I made it very clear to her I am not looking for a relationship or obligations, she still stuck around, which I am not sure why she did. I was grateful for her but I didn't not love her, not one bit.

I got up grabbed my clothes, got dressed and left. I got into my jeep, and drove home, I needed a shower. It was Sunday however I still preferred working, all I ever did was work, work, work and I couldn't help it , it was in my blood.

When I arrived at work, there was insane amount of paperwork left. I hated paperwork but it had to be done. So I sat down and began, today was going to be a long day.

Camila's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open slowly, I was in my bed. I recalled what had happened yesterday and my eyes went blurry again, tears poured out again. Dinah. Dinah. Dinah. Was all I could think about.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I jumped back startled.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to scare you mija, yesterday you fainted from crying and the doctor said to let you rest, also have you eaten anything since yesterday morning?"my dad asked

Crying I replied " Dad I don't want to eat, Dinah...." and I burst out in more tears.

"Mija you have to eat something, here drink this for now" he said passing me a glass of juice. I took it shaking, as I put the glass to my lips and the cool liquid passed my lips, it felt so good, I realised how dry and sore my throat was and my stomach began making noise. Guess I was hungry after all.

Still crying I finished the juice and my dad made the servants bring me breakfast in my room. I ate it so fast, I thought I would choke.

I did end up choking but from tears, I kept thinking of Dinah this wasn't getting any easier. I got up , took my towel and got ready for a shower.

Narrators P.O.V

Alejandro's ringtone went of, he went into his study to answer.

Unknown: Boss you said to call once it was done.

Alejandro: Yes, good job that stupid bitch is dead now. Nobody can find out about this, make sure it looks like an accident and get rid of anyone that suspects anything.

Unknown: yes boss.

Alejandro: Yes and listen the drugs need to be taken tonight and I don't want any fuck ups like last time. Do you realise how much loss I suffered when the CSF (Camren special forces) raided our warehouse. I want you to find out who is the officer working on that case, and I want them fuckin dead you hear me?!

Unknown: yes boss

Alejandro: good!

Smirking Alejandro poured himself a drink and savoured it, sitting in his chair, feet rested on the desk. He laughed, as he thought of his latest victory.

Then he was brought out of his conniving thoughts by a  knocking on the door. He quickly got up, and opened the door to find Camila, who's eyes where puffy and red, and he couldn't care less.

"Mija what's wrong? Are you feeling better?" he asked her with fake sympathy. "I am...I just... I can't believe that she is really gone." Camila worded out with more tears in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around Alejandro who rolled his eyes but never the less hugged her back saying reassuring words.

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