Chapter 14

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This is short like the last few. Next chapter will be longer.


A while after Galadriel left I went to find Anakin to hear his side of the story. I walked to his room and was about to knock when I heard someone talking. I quickly hid so as to spy on whoever it was.

"Mom? Mom! MOM?!" It was Anakin. I was about to go in and wake him when I was beat to it.


I was woken up by yelling. It sounded like Anakin. Worried me rushed to his room to see what was wrong. When I got to his door I felt like someone was watching me but I quickly pushed I off and went to Anakin.

"Anakin?" I asked softly, he was still asleep and seemed better so I was about to leave when...

"Don't go. Please Galadriel." He sounded so broken. I sat down beside him on his bed. He quickly buried himself into me. I just sat there holding him and whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

"Shh. Anakin. It's ok." He soon fell into a peaceful sleep. I made no motion to move, it was comforting being there with him.

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