Chapter 23

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I started the trials today.

"Don't be nervous. You will do fine and be a knight in no time." The doors opened signalling that it was time. "Now go. Show them what you have learned."


Today is the day. The day I find out if all of this hard work has paid off.

"Miss Lynn, you are standing in front of the Council so as to learn where you're fate lies within the Order." Said Master Windu.

"Strong, you are. Patience, you have. Ready to be a Jedi Knight, yes." I kneeled down. Yoda then proceeded to say his few words while knighting me with his green saber. First over the left shoulder then the right where he cut off the braid. I rose to leave.

"Thank you Masters. I shall not fail you." I internally winced at that. I've already failed them by breaking the code. I'm to be married tonight.

"I knew you could do it. Qui Gon would be proud. " Shaak Ti said embracing me. "Now go and tell the others. Tonight is that of celebration." Oh if she knew the half of it...

"Thank you Master."

"I am no longer your master and you no longer are my padawan. You can call me Shaak Ti now."

"Yes...Shaak Ti. And thank you, for everything."

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