C h a p t e r 2

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Severus looked at his out-stretched hand and cautiously took it, shaking it slightly. "Okay potter..." James let go of his hand and smiled walking away.

Severus looked in every direction, before saying "what's he up to?"

"I overheard him talking to my brother, there doing a truce!" Regulus said. Severus nodded as regulus took a bit out of his apple.

"What were you doing talking to snivellus?" Sirius raised and eyebrow, Remus looked up from his book and Peter stopped eating.

"I made a truce, this petty rivalry is getting no-where.. we can still prank though." James was scared that Sirius would kick him out.

"Fair enough, should we prank some ravenclaws next period?" Remus shook his head, but James has the widest smile on his face.

"Let's do it!"

In potions, due to the new year, Slughorn decided that he was going to choose partners.

"Potter and Snape"

"Black and Lupin"

"Prewett and Black Narcissa"

"Malfoy and Weasley"

They all got into there seats, "don't make me fall behind Potter."

"Wouldn't dream of it Snape!" Severus looked at him, and was so confused. He looked down at the desk 'where's that petty nickname gone? Is he actually calling a truce!'

A Hufflepuff from across the room was chosen to hand out the leaflets.

She walked over to James and Severus and smiled, "hi" Severus didn't say anything but James said a quick hi in return.

The girl went back to her seat and James sat back, "why didn't you say Hi Snape?" He sounded genuinely curious.

"She used to bully me- why have I told you this!?" James just shrugged, but when Severus looked at him he had a sympathetic face like he cared.

A rush of blood went to his cheeks as he saw James' crooked smile.

"And finally class, you need to work on your group projects together" Slughorn clapped his hands together and shooed everybody off.

Severus waited outside for Cissa, but James came up to him. "So, who you waiting for?"


"Awww you have a name for her, does everyone in Slytherin have a name for each other?" Severus just nodded.

"What's yours?"

"If I tell you, will you leave me alone" James nodded, knowing fully well that he wouldn't.


"I'm gonna call you that from now on!"

Sev shook his hand and hung it when Cissa came out of the class.

"Sev c'mon, hi potter?"

"Hi! Bye! Bye Sev!"

"Goodbye Potter!"

Narcissa just tilted her head to the side with a wide smirk on her face.


"I ship it" Severus' face went a dark crimson, and he started swatting her with his hands.

"Awwh cute!" Severus just rolled his eyes and walked off Cissa following close behind him.

"Let's get this started!!" Sirius sprouted fireworks from his wand to hit the ravenclaws, they wouldn't do any harm just tickle them slightly.

James, Sirius and Peter ran away laughing, and Remus saying sorry and taking the spell off. Much to Sirius' sadness.

Remus gave him a quick kiss on the lips making him happy.

James and Peter done fake vomiting actions with there hands. Making Sirius slap them.










"Don't!" Remus warned pulling them away from eachother.

Peter just leaned against the wall watching the whole thing snickering.

Severus and Narcissa, finally finished there transfiguration essay that was set that week.

"So.. let's talk Potter, you talked to him after class." Narcissa wiggled her eyebrows and Severus just rolled his eyes.

"We've called a truce!"

"Truceee! Sureeee Sev sure Sev!"

Sev went a dark red making Narcissa laugh so much that they got kicked out of the library.

"Your face was so red and it still is!" Severus hit her on the back lightly rolling his eyes and he walked away. Refusing to acknowledge Narcissa.

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