Chapter two of Re-Do

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The train began to move and because James wasn't holding on fell onto the sofa, this made Severus smile Lily noticed this and began smiling to and looking at him. When Severus realised he was smiling he hid his smile with a scowl. James got up and looked at Lily stupidly scratching his neck. "Umm.." Lily started laughing at James flustered-ness this made James laugh. Severus picked up his trunk and began walking out when Lily grabbed his hand. "What's wrong sev?" He just shrugged her off and went to go find Lucius or Regulus. James sat opposite Lily and began talking. Severus rushed out to go find another compartment, he loved the thought of his best-friend finding love and being happy, but not with James. Severus thought he was a player and would leave Lily after a week, he eventually found a compartment with Lucius, Regulus and bellatrix. Severus places his bags above Bella and sat down next to her, "So Lucy found any cute boys yet? Or girls?" Lucius shook his head solemnly. "Nope I'm still single.. sadly" Bella cackled and a girl with long blonde hair came in. She had the southern robes on, Severus maybe thought this might be a prefect as they were in 6th year. "Bella are you sure..? Bella looked at her and smiled. She pushed Severus off of the seat and sat her down, "This is Angelina, angie for short! She's my girlfriend" Severus stood up soothing his arm "nice to meet you I'm Severus this is Lucius and Regulus and Bella I'm gonna kill you for that, my arm hurts now" Angie stood up. "Oh I'm sorry you can sit there!" Regulus laughed and Severus walked him to say Bellas in the compartment to y'know, this is her girlfriend your laughing at Bella had a deadly look on her face, she pulled Angie down and went to attack Regulus for laughing, when a prefect came in. Regulus sighed in relief as that prefect saved his ass.

The prefect asked them to change into there robes when they saw everyone in their robes, she sighed muttered something along the lines of pure bloods always beat ya to it and walked. Angie obviously heard her and Bella began to comfort her by whispering sweet nothings into her ear. This seem to perk her up and she began talking gradually getting ,more confident as she spoke.

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