C h a p t e r 3

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The halls were dark and quiet, a girl in her last year was the only living thing present there.

She was about to leave the hall when she got pulled into a broomstick. "Hey" a feminine voice purred, Narcissa was about to ask who it was when the person muttered 'lumos' revealing Molly Prewett.

"Molly?" Molly placed a silencing charm and held Narcissa's hand. "What are you doing?" She asked frantically.

She looked down and saw that Molly was wearing a short skirt, and a muggle crop top, smirking.

Narcissa looked down at her and saw her skirt, it was only a inch longer than Mollys skirt.

Molly placed her hand on her thigh and began moving it up and down. Luckily the broom-closet was big enough for two people.

"Molly what are you doing?" She repeated.

"Nothing love~" Narcissa's eyes widened when Molly began unbuttoning Narcissa's shirt. Molly kissed Narcissa passionately, slipping her tongue into her mouth.

Molly let got of her hand and placed both hands on her waists.

Then one thing went into Narcissa's head 'were not even dating!' But instead of thinking about it to much, she kissed her back.

About ten minutes later, both Molly and Narcissa were fully naked, kissing each-other.

Molly got down on her knees and began to lick her clit, making Narcissa moan loudly "Molly~ mmm.." This turned Molly on even more, and continued doing it with more force.

Narcissa was gripping onto Molly hair when she finished, panting slightly. Molly began getting dressed and when she was fully clothed she said "Same time tomorrow?" Narcissa just nodded mentally cursing herself. Molly smirked and walked out making sure she closed it after.

Narcissa put on her clothes and done her hair just like she had before this incident, she didn't have curlers so she just used magic.

She walked out and walked into the common room. When she got there she went up to her dorm and fell asleep.

Mollys POV

Okay, so today I managed to pluck up the courage to get Molly I succeeded with it, and I'm meeting her there the same time tomorrow.

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