C h a p t e r 4

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In the muggle world (at the Evans household)

Petunia looked through old photo-albums, tears in her eyes. She saw how happy Lily and her friends looked. She really wished she didn't ruin the bond between them by calling her a freak.

The reality was that Petunia was jealous of Lily's magic and wished she had just a small amount.

Lily told her that if she could she would give Petunia some, and one Christmas lily made it snow in her room making Petunia smile and laugh.

A small wisp of light came from outside her window, she opened it slightly and it called her quietly "tuney.. let's play tuney?' She climbed out the window, seeing as it wasn't a high floor and I was just the first.

She followed the light into the nearby forest. When she saw a silhouette emerge from the trees, he had a devilish like smirk plastered on his face.

His hair was to one side, purple on the ends "hello? Who are you" wrong move.

The man ran towards her, she tried to move but she was frozen with fear, when the man stopped right in front of her and kneeled down so he was her height.

"I heard you want to be a witch?" Her eyes widened and he chuckled.

A golden flame spat from his hand and he took her hand and placed it onto her heart. "Just say 'please' three times in a row"

"Please, Please, Please!"

The fire went into her heart and she screamed, from the pain. He disappeared. After a few minutes the pain went away. She sighed in relief, not knowing the prophecy she has for-stained.

At Hogwarts

Dumbledore was pacing in his office, when he received news that someone has been given magic. When he looked at the name he froze and called in Lily.

When she got in the room he told her to sit, when she sat down he looked at her with a sirius expression on his face.

"Miss Evans, I need to inform you that your sister, Petunia Evans will be joining Hogwarts." Lily nearly jumped up in excitement.

"Really!" She screeched. He nodded and told her to leave, she ran to the Hufflepuff common room and went to Andromeda and told her everything. She was supported and couldn't wait to see her sister.

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