Chapter One of the Re-Do

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A Dark thick cloud approached its way over the now-greying sky, the soft snores that were once present began to fade. As the boy with shoulder-length black hair sat up slowly, he looked at the clock on his wall and sighed laying back down.

He stayed like that for a few minutes before sitting up again, and slowly getting out of bed.

He looked down and saw his trunk, he grabbed it and brought it downstairs.

His house was old, and rusted he turned around into the kitchen to see his father standing there. His father noticed him and walked up to him, "why are you here?" He demanded.

The boy was scared, he was scared of his father. Severus didn't answer in time so his father hit him across the face.

"Pathetic." He walked off into the direction of his bedroom. He took some Floo from the pot over the fireplace.

He was already in his robes, his parents couldn't afford new clothes like other rich family's. His mother sometimes wished she married a pure blood and not a muggle.

He walked into the fireplace and dropped the Floo "platform 9 3/4" he said clearly. A flame of green smoke emerged, and disappeared and he was gone into fin air.

He stumbled onto the platform, as a familiar whistle hits his ears. He sees a head of Fiery red hair, and begins to make his way towards her.

"Hey Lils!" She whips her head around to be greeted by a smile, "hello sev, how was your summer?" His smile faded, and a sympathetic expressions greeted her face.

"I'm sorry about your father sev.. but.. Let's go find a compartment before there all gone!" Severus nods and begins making his way to a compartment.

They found a compartment and settled in, there was a peaceful silence for a few minutes while Lily was getting out a book, Severus just looked out the window, he saw James Potter outside but he was to tired to form a scowl.

He could clearly tell that he had a glow up, 'lily might say yes to him this year.. and she might abandon me..' he looked back at Lily, his childhood best friend.. and then he looked at James. They were perfect for each other just Lily was to stubborn to see it.

James boarded the train, and went to go find Remus. Severus looked down at his lap,he might finally get some sleep.

Severus was looking outside when the door slammed open to reveal James Potter and Sirius Black. "Hey Evans....Snape" he said the last part rather horribly.


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