Chapter 6

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A few days past, and Sirius was sat in potions class where Slughorn was talking about Amortentia. "Mr black!" He snapped. Sirius looked up to Slughorn, "since you weren't paying attention, could you tell me what you smell and we'll go from there!"

Sirius nodded and stood up going to the front, he smelt the potion.

'Chocolate, fresh parchment and the shrieking shack..'

"U-uh.. I smell, um roses.. dog.. and.. my collane" he couldn't say what he actually smelt, of course he couldn't..

Slughorn nodded and he sat back down.

Remus was next

'..roses.. the hospital wing.. and... wet dog... does Dorcas have a dog..?' He thought.

"Uh. Roses, the hospital wing and dog.." he sat the last word more quietly.

He sat back down and next was James turn "quidditch, butterbeer, and something I can't quite get a hold of.."

He sat back down and the class went on as usual until it was Severus' turn
"Uh.. potions, books and, fresh grass.." he said before sitting down..

"Why fresh grass?" Narcissa whispered to him, "maybe it's a potion ingredient..?" Lucius whispered back.

"Yeah that probably it.." Severus whispered to them. Narcissa nodded "also darling, me and Molly are going to the tea shop later on, care to join us?"

Lucius shook his head "I'm studying with Arthur Weasley.."

"I'm probably making potions." Severus said "but have fun."

The class ended and they all left but James grabbed Sirius by the cloak and yanked him into an empty hall leaving Peter and Remus confused "what did you really smell?" James said

"Uh.. fresh partchmne, chocolate..and the shrieking shack.." James nodded "I knew it!" He smiled and went back to Remus and Peter.

"Where did you guys go?" Remus asked, "yah me and Remus where confused" Peter added.

"Uh.. nowhere special.." Sirius fake smiles at James' statement.

"Oh well! Me and Dorcas have a date I'll see you guys later!" Peter waves and James said "bye." but Sirius just stood there thinking.

"Wait.. isn't Dorcas dating.. Marlene..?" James looked at Sirius "Wait really?"

Sirius nodded "yeah.. Marlene rejected me because she was dating Dorcas"

Peter looked at them "Dorcas is Polly so Marlene knows and I think Remus does to!"

Sirius made an 'o' face, "never mind then"

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