Chapter 11

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The exams were finally finished, and everyone began cheering but James and Sirius had an end of year prank coming up there sleeve.

Severus' POV

I looked at the daily prophet to see on the head-lines;

He Who Must Not Be Names Has Been Banished From The Wizarding World.

Some people clearly got it at the same time as me, because everyone was screaming and shouting in happiness.

Even us Slytherins had smiles on our faces, and that is rare.

On the way to class I got pulled by an arm to see a girl with silky brown hair, light grey eyes, and a cocky smirk on her face.

"Did you hear that Sev!" She squealed. I raised and eyebrow and saw that it was Carys Benson. I hugged her and smiled "I know he's finally gone!"

She skipped away and I walked back to class.

The thing is, everything is finally going good.

Something bass bound to happen.

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