Chapter Three of Re-Do

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As the students of Hogwarts made there way off of the train, the first years split with all of the other years. James watched as his friends ran to find a empty carriage, they managed to get one with Marlene, Molly and Lily. He sat down next to Peter, knowing that if he sat next to Lily she will end up murdering him. Marlene jumped out of the carriage making everyone look as if she was crazy, she ran to catch up with the carriages.

When they got there they all went out, James offered his hand to Lily, "sod off potter" she scoffed and walked away. Sirius and Peter were trying not to laugh but Remus was still reading.

After the feast the weather got pretty bad, there was thunder and lightning surrounding the castle, they got to there dorms and James opened the door just in time to see Sirius kiss Remus on the lips. James stares at them, they tried to explain what happened but James just laughed. Making Remus and Sirius considering his mental health. James knew that Sirius was Gay, and that Remus was Bi-Sexual and he had shipped Wolfstar since the incident; Flashback of incident

Sirius went out of his dog form, as the began to set, Remus began to change. When Remus fully changed he curled up onto Sirius' lap. Sirius didn't mind and kissed Remus' forehead not knowing what he had done. He looked around but didn't see anyone, for James has walked out of the room while still watching and Peter went back to get Madame Pomfrey.

They let out a sigh once he said he knew that they liked each other, James left the room to leave them two alone, he walked out of the common room and into an empty corridor. He saw a figure approaching and thought it was filch, it turned out to be Snape and Narcissa. He was about to annoy snape when James saw something he's never saw before, he saw Severus smile. This kind of warmed James' heart slightly but he pushed it down, until Narcissa made him laugh. James got out of the corridor to get out of the heat. James tried to ignore it but he could not get the thought of Snape laughing and smiling out of his head. He thought there was something wrong with him.

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