Stolen Goods

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*Warning* there will be mentions to heats and slight lemonish content, if that isn't your jam, skip it, and if it is enjoy this lemon jam on your super toast - dev

Zim's heels clacked loudly against the metal thinking of his lab as he walked to his chambers. Opening his ruby eyes for the scanner he walked in at the beep. The cavernous room had a central pile of soft sweaters shirts bits of fluff and random bits and bobs shoved into the nest, Zim walked by it and pulled off his glove to access another scanner. Entering the pitch black room, his ocular implants whirred as they dilated to reveal his hoard. Zim took in a deep breath and sighed blissfully at the scent. It was perfect, it was strong and absolutely infatuating. And it was absolutely Dibriffic. Zim pulled the new addition from his pak and held the sweater out in front of him. He could practically feel the reek of pheromones leaking off it and it made the Irken chirp loudly. Zim looked up and down the article taking in the detail of the printed mothman silhouette looking over its shoulder and the soft worn cuffs from being fiddled with too often. Zim bunched up the fabric and shoved his face in it, his antenna weaving through the scented fabric as the Irken invader shook in elation. Zim sighed happily and looked left and right before gently placing down the sweater and grabbing the bottom of his tunic. He pulled the heavy fabric over his pak and head sliding his arms out of the sleeves and leaving him gloveless and bare chested. Zim shook, he'd never done this before and this was a whole new step. Zim shakily pulled the hoodie over his head and once it was on practically melted, sliding to the floor with a low moan as his whole core was enveloped in Dib's scent. If's Zim closed his eyes it almost felt like Dib was around him. Zim purred at that thought and wrapped his arms around himself, happily drowning in the good stink. Zim laid there on the floor for a good while bathing and basking in the scent of Dib before his pak clicked softly and Zim felt his spooch turning. Oh no, he knew what that meant. This wasn't good at all. He'd have to produce more blockers before it started and he didn't have much time, maybe a few hours before his body demanded he be mated. Irk damned heats, Zim was sure that he wasn't due for one for a whole nother two months, unless...
Zim threw off the sweater as soon as he realized the amazing smell of Dib's dibness was affecting Zim's heat cycle and making him in the ferte stage earlier than usual. Zim chucked the sweater in the pile of Dib's stolen or lost things and pulled on his uniform and marched to the lab to solve this problem.

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