The Blood Mehndi Art Part 3

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At tommorow in the morning at 8.00 oclok
Aini went to market with grandma to buy some groceries for cooking lunch today...
Usually..grandma went to market just one day for a week.. But today grandma so many groceries that she buy..
While she in focus to choice some vegetables....
Suddenly, an old man nearest her and asking her

"hai Mak Timah, why u bought so many groceries? "
Grandma"of course..i buy so many groceries.. I want to cooking something special to my grandchildren and also my grandchildren in laws.."
(Ohhh before i'm forget.. That old man is the man who are selling any types of vegetables..usually they call him Pak Rafik)
Pak Rafik"ohhh i see.. Ohhh can't believe that your grandchildren already been married right now.. Haihhhhh "
Mak Timah"yes..alhamdullilah... I am so grateful that God have give me a chance to see my grandchildren getting married and have an beautiful wife like her"
Pak Rafik"are u blind??" Within laughing at Aini
Mak Timah"why u laugh at her at why do u said like that? What a joke going on? "
Pak Rafik"haishh..didn't you see Your grandchildren in law look so very ungly? How u can said she beautiful? "
Mak Timah Suddenly angry angry left from his stall..
And said to Aini..
Aini.. Let go!! I don't want to buy this vegetables from this stall..
Let go for check out vegetables from another stall ..."
And then they left from there..

While Daniel ,he hasn't yet wake up..while the clock show time at 1 pm... But he didn't wake up yet from his bed
And then Mak timah ask Aini to call Daniel..
And without any excuse,she going to the bedroom..
Its seem like Daniel is enjoy his sleeping...
Aini slowly slowly to wake up him
Aini"Danny,wake up"
Daniel wake up and said"what do you want for me? "
Aini"Its already lunch time.. I'm coming here to ask you for join us lunch"
*Daniel is so very shocked*.
Daniel"why you didn't wake up me?? How time right now? "
Aini"eemmm i afraid that i"ll disturb your sleep.. So i decided i don't want to disturb you.Because i think you may be already 1 pm"
Daniel "hmmm ok, i want to take bath. After that I'm going to join you, grandma and grandpa"
Aini"ohh ok "
And then, Aini going back to the kitchen and sit down on the chair..
And just waiting for Daniel before having meals.

#To be Continue
#Esha Bt Zamri

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