The Blood Mehndi Art Last Part

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After a few hours, the doctor exits from labour room,
Danial"Doc,how about my wife? Did she save? "
Doctor "congratulations, you wife is save and you're get an daughter "
Danial"thanks good.. So can I see my wife?"
Doctor "Yes sure.. Go ahead "
And Danial said thank to the Doctor and quickly go to see her wife..
Danial"Deera,are you Fine? "
Deera"yes I'm okey.. "
Danial"where is our daughter? I want to give her an iqamah "
Deera give her baby to Danial.. After finish the iqmat..Danial give back to Deera
Danial"thanks for this gift Dee, "
Deera"you're welcome"
Danial "you remember right?? What happened for long months ago?"
Deera"yes,i remember it, I will give our daughter's name Aurana Shaila"
Danial"thanks God, Aini must happy to see this "
Deera"Yes,hope like that.. "

After one week ,their daughter was sign up as Aurana Shaila Bin Mohd Danial..But Deera can not back home ..she must stay more two weeks at the ward...
So Danial was accompanied her untill she can back home..
The Last Day, when she can back home, Deera was said to Danial"Danial,if i'm die, Please take care for Aurana.."
Danial"haish..what nonsense! Don't talk like that!,"
Looking Deera was hugging Aurana very closed and kiss her within her eyes was crying
And said to Danial"Danial,please take care of her.. I love you and her.. "
Danial"Deera!!,what you said like that! Enough Deera! "
*After give Aurana to Danialagain Deera was asked for Danial*
Deera"Please take care of Aurana.. Please make her happy ..i love you and Aurana"
Danial answer back "yes, i will take of her, you don't have to worry ..i'm also love you"
Deera"thank you"
After that, Deera is gone.. She already die after saying thank you for Danial..
Danial quickly call the doctor.
The came into the room.. And check up on Deera ..
Danial"how about my wife? "
Doctor "I'm sorry Danial, you wife are no anymore .."
Danial was very surprised and he trying to wake up her..
"Deera, wake up,please don't leave me.. Pleas Deera.. Please! "
The Doctor was calm down Danial.
Doctor "Please don't act like this. Be patience,God has love her"
After that, Danial was take care of Aurana by himself, he doesn't want to get married untill Aurana become an adult.. 
He willing to take care of Aurana with himself..he doesn't wanna Aurana anybody takes of Deera's placed as mother towards Aurana... However, Danial will do the best for her future daughter life

The End
#Esha Bt Zamri

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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