The Blood Mehndi Art Part 9

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Next Tomorrow,Danial and Deera was meet each others at the cafe...
So they started talking about themselves
Deera"why you want to meet me? "
Danial "at the first, sorry for being disturbed your time.. Actually I wanna to said that I am really miss you Dee"
Deera"actually what you want to talk with me? "
Danial "I want you... "
Deera"But how about with your wife?"
Danial "I am not happy with her.. My married is forcing by my late father and mother.. I married with her to save my dad's company.. So that's why I 'm married her"
Deera"ohhh ..."
Danial "so do you what to married me? "
Deera"sure,i've long time waiting for your purpose.. But how about your wife? "
Danial "You don't have to worry about her anymore.. Because now she is at hospital.."
Deera"ohhh...what kind her of sickness? "
Danial "She is going to being mental.. So at a few days, she will at the mental hospital "
Danial "Hehehe.. "
And then, they continue their meals...

The Next Morning, Danial go to the hospital to see Aini....
When he arrive, he go to Aini's room..
Aini"Danial..i want to back home.. I don't want stay here"
Danial"look Aini.. You can't back home.. You must stay here? "
Aini"Why i should stay here? I'm is alright.  "
Danial"no,you should stay here.. Because you're sick.. You need an therapy you because you have to be better as soon as possible "
And then she turn her body and head to the other side for not to see Danial's face...
Without wasting the time, Danial also go back to his office....

The clock show at 1.00 pm,that means it's time to Lunch...
"Tutt.... Tutttt.  Tutttt.   "Danial's phone is ringing... He quickly picked up the phone.. Deera"Hello,Danny,are you busy? "
Danial"no...why? "
Deera"if you're not busy.. I think I want to ask you to join me for lunch? "
Danial"yes,sure. I'm also wanna go for lunch "
Deera"ok,i waiting you at cafe nearby "
Danial"ok I coming"
And then, both of them are enjoy their lunch untill he forget that's his wife at hospital......

#To Be Continue
#Esha Bt Zamri

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