The Blood Mehndi Art Part 13

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After that, Danial was calling the Ustaz for help..
Danial"ustaz,please do anything, because I don't want Aini's spirits distrib my wife again "
Ustaz"yes,i will do my best"
Deera"please Ustaz do anything, I can't stand anymore.. She always disturbing me.."
Ustaz, OK let's me do my work.

And then, the Ustaz is preparing for himself to do his work....
He was talking to Aini's spirits
Ustaz"why you came to this world?? You know what, you're not at this world anymore.. You should back to you world! "
Aini's Spirits "No.. I don't want to go!! Untill they're not  apologize towards me! "
Ustaz"what they have done to you?? Why you so angry with them? "
Aini's spirits "Because of them, I kill myself and because of them I lost my daughter!! "
Ustaz"ok,you must promise to me, when they apologized to you.. You can't back for disturb Danial and his wife okey? "
Aini's Spirits "ohhh ok,i'm promise after this I'm not disturbing them anymore.. "
And then, the Ustaz call Danial and Deera for ask them to apologise towards Aini's spirits..
And both of them are agree with Ustaz.
Danial and Deera"Aini,give an forgiveness to us, we know that,we are bad, we know that we  have a lot of sin towards you. But please let's we go.. We want to apologize what have done towards you when you was life"
Aini's Spirits was sad she was can't accept their apologize but what can she do, she already promised that she doesn't want  to disturbe them anymore after this
Aini's Spirits "Ok, I'm accepting for your apologize.and also give your an forgiveness,but you're both must promise to  me.. They you're both will give your future child if the child is daughter, you must give her name Aurana "
Danial and Deera "yes,we will give that name, "
After that, Aini's spirits was disappear.. And since that day, Deera was not disturbing anymore.

After everything was clear for long months  ago about 6 monts, Deera and Danial was very happy about Deera's pregnant....
Danial was so very happy and he can't wait to become father...
Danial always accompany her for do check up.. And the baby is an a girl. ..
Although it's was long time ago, but they're remember for Aini's spirits asking for. They will give their baby name is Aurana Shaila ....
The Next, After 9 months, Deera wanna to give birth  ...Danial was very panic and quickly call the ambulance...
Danial"rilex Deera, don't worry, ambulance will come"
Deera"please,i can't not stand anymore.. I wanna to give birth.. "
After a few minutes, the ambulance come and bring Deera to the hospital
The doctor and nurse was let her into ward..
Nurse "Please sir to waiting at outside "
Danial"please save my wife"
Doctor "don't worry we will do the best"
And the Doctor walk into the labour room.

#To Be Continue
#Esha Bt Zamri

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