3. Yeah when the doors are all closing, it's bound to get loud

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3. Yeah when the doors are all closing, it's bound to get loud

           Tim never understood (and probably never will) why he has to finish high school in the first place. He’s the smartest kid here in Gotham, that’s why he’s fit for being CEO of Wayne Tech. But Bruce insisted that Tim finishes high school, leading Tim to believe that Bruce just didn’t want to spend much time with him.

            Of course, that was fine for Tim. Well, it’s fine now anyway.

           He hasn’t been too keen on seeing Bruce either. As much as he hates Bruce for so many things, he's thankful that he let him take online classes. Being the adopted son of Bruce Wayne, the real son of Jack and Janet Drake and to top all of that, being the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, that oughta attract attention.

           Being socially awkward just adds the cherry on top. Sometimes Tim wonders how Damian deals with all of this.

           Sighing, Tim adds the finishing touches to his essay, before clicking submit.

           Automatically, his head rolls back, eyes shut, and his arms and hands stretch. His fingers and wrists are sore from typing, but it isn't anything he can't handle. He yawns, before rubbing his eyes, trying to get back to reality.

           He had been on his computer so long that he forgot he is still at WE.

           He looks around in Bruce’s office. It is just as he left it.

           It still looks exactly how it did 6 years ago.

           The same old plain blue curtains with the matching sofa. The same old glass table. It’s so plain and bland, Tim wonders that even with all the money, why doesn’t Bruce ever get some more stuff to decorate this place.

           Tim remembers the day perfectly.

           6 years ago, Tim’s school had taken his grade on a field trip to Wayne Enterprises.

           Though WE was the rival company of Drake Industries, he was still excited. So when they got there, Tim was so fascinated by everything, that he managed to get lost and ended up stumbling into Bruce Wayne’s office.           

           Tim fell into the office, and when he looked up, he saw the cutest boy he had ever seen. 

           “Who are you? And what are you doing here?” the boy had asked.

           A faint blush had appeared on Tim’s cheeks. “Uh-I s-sorry I-I’m on a field trip w-with my school and I got lost.” Tim had replied.

           “Ohh I can walk you back if you want. I’m Jason by the way.” The boy had said. Tim’s blush on his pale cheeks grew stronger. He mentally face-palmed at not knowing who the boy in front of him was. Of course, it was Jason Todd-Wayne!

           “Uh-t-thanks that would be n-nice” and thinking back to that day, Tim curses at himself for being such a stuttering mess, because lord his crush on Jason was so obvious.

If Walls Could Talk // JAYTIM (HOPELESS FOOLS #1)Where stories live. Discover now