11. We're falling

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11. We're falling

           Tim doesn't know why the hell he's panicking so much. Of course there are things that he has the right to panic about, but right now he really shouldn't be as anxious as he is. He's not sure if it's because Jason fucking Todd is going to be in his house - in the next room - being his roommate, or the fact that someone might catch Jason being with him.

           Either way, he's causing unnecessary anxiety to himself, which is going to get him killed - by smoking way too many cigarettes in one hour (he's smoked five in two hours)

           It's not like he's crushing on Jason anymore - even if he was, it's not like they're going to have sex or something, there's absolutely nothing to be nervous about.

           But then again, Jason Peter Todd - the guy he used to have a crush on; the guy who tried to kill him; the guy who he replaced and the guy he's forbidden to even talk to because he's Bruce's greatest failure - is going to be in his house as a friend. That's foreign territory for them. He's surprised they've even gotten there, considering their - not so civil - past.

           Although they haven't officially said that they're friends, but recent turn of events definitely confirms it. Even if Roy is the reason they were able to talk their shit out. Truthfully, he understands why Jason didn't have the guts to actually face him. The last week or two has been...overwhelming.

           A lot of the shit that happened the past week and the week before that, has been hard to process. Tim didn't originally think that a turn of events like this would happen (well technically he did, but the possibilities of it ever happening were slim, so he just shrugged it off).

           He's paranoid as fuck too.

           Tim's called Stephanie to tell the other bats that his apartment is off limits for a week - reason being that he's working on a case that takes up a lot of space, so to avoid any evidence tampering, they should avoid the apartment.

           It's legitimately a pretty darn good reason - or he thinks at least.

           He's also very sure he's over doing it.

           (okay maybe not really)

           Tim ordered groceries (after God knows how long) online after Jason and Roy had left. Once he came back home he quickly changed and started cleaning up the place and trying to make the guest bedroom as comfortable as possible for Jason. He took out a fresh towel and hung it in the bathroom; even got a new toothbrush in case Jason forget his and tried to get all the basic things Jason might need in his bedroom.

           Okay it's not overdoing, but that's because Tim's trying to stay in control and not give in and decorate the whole place with Lord knows what.

If Walls Could Talk // JAYTIM (HOPELESS FOOLS #1)Where stories live. Discover now