Chapter 15: Max

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"So that back there is Matt and Bryce. Then to the left it Tash and D'shawna. There's also Ramos but he's probably talking with my dad or something. That's pretty much everyone. It might seem like a small number but we get shit done pretty quick." DaKarie said as the two walked through the main garage, introducing Max to all his new coworkers.

Max still didn't feel too good and bro was still mad at him. He didn't know why he didn't feel good or why bro was mad at him, shit was starting to get old.

He tried to do what he usually did when he had migraines and busied himself with a ton of work. Football, workouts, or jacking off being his usual form of stress relief. Learning how to fix a bike would work just fine.

Since DaKarie clearly had had enough of him; he didn't wanna piss him off anymore than he already had, he asked Tash if he could work under her for the day. She might have taken it a little too literal but either way, a hard agree.

DaKarie kept coming around like he wanted something or like he was debating with himself but every time Max would catch him wondering, he'd storm off all agitated and shit.

They didn't see each other for the rest of the day really, Max kinda forgetting about him a bit.

Okay, that's a lie. That dude was fine. 'Course he was thinking about him.

The rain was pouring heavily onto the pavement and the sun was hidden by a bunch of dark stormy clouds. As soon as Max was able to, he ran straight into the rain and embraced the harsh waters hitting against his smooth skin.

He just loved the cold. The pain of walking around in wet clothes was worth it.

Max tried not to give a damn about what other people thought; except for the gay shit obviously, because he understood how easy it was to lose everything.

He didn't wanna go out having any regrets. He may not be able to make the big changes he wished he could but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the little things in his life.

"Yo, what the fuck are you doing?" DaKarie was standing there, dry in front of the doors of the shop.

"Don't let daddy catch that mouth of yours. Don't want him taking away your lil girlfriend."

The dude smirked. "He wouldn't dare." He continued, clearing his throat. "So how was it hanging with Tash? Did she hit on you?"

", I think so. Maybe a few times. I can never really tell. I'm just so used to it, you know?"

Max said jokingly, shaking the water from his head like a wet dog. He swept his hair back, heading over to hide from the rain.

"Man you really piss me off you know that?"

"It was a joke, bruh." Max sighed, grinning a little. "Can't I make a joke?"

"Tsk, man," He waved Max off as if he was ridiculous before heading back inside. He seriously had zero idea what he had done wrong but he stopped caring.

Motherfucker ruining my day..

Max pulled his phone out and called his grandpa to come pick him up because he still hadn't had his license yet.

Every year he got so busy with school and football and hospital checkups, he just always forgot to try and get his permit. And having cancer, learning to drive wasn't high on his list of priorities.

Yeah, cancer. Tell no one.

Max was sitting out there in the wind freezing, having yet to find a ride since none of his family seemed to want to concern themselves with him.

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