Chapter 3

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The plane ride was filled with FIFA games, and the occasional wrestling match when one of the boys lost. About half way through the trip I realized there was no reason to stare out of the window and joined them. I may have hustled them a little. I told them I didn’t know a thing about FIFA games, which was a total lie, but the look of sheer sadness when I beat all of them was priceless.

            “Hahaha and that’s five in a row anybody wanna go for round two”

            “Are you serious. What the hell was that miss ‘I don’t know what FIFA is’” shouted Liam.

            “So I played you. You’ll get over it.”

            “Who the hell are you? No one ever beats me.” A very sad Louis added.

            “Well I did so maybe you should step it up a little.”

            “Ya ya, so how do you know how to play anyway, you’re American.”

            “Ouch! For your information I played ‘soccer’ for 15 years before I went to college, and I owned and Xbox so my dad and I played some pretty hard core FIFA games.”

            “Well still I bet you don’t even know anything about real football” Said Louis who was a bit taken aback from my slight rant.

            “Excuse you, but actually Arsenal is my favorite team, Ramsey, the Ox, and Mertasacker are my favorite players. I am also a big Aston Villa fan and Liverpool because I love Sturridge and Sterling. So I do know a little about ‘real football’.”

The five shocked faces staring back at me were priceless.

            “Well damn she got you.” Niall said as he hit Louis in the chest.

Then they started clapping and I responded with a slight curtsey.

            “Welcome to the tour Nina, you’ve made our cool people list.” Harry said.

            “Wow that means so much” I responded with an over dramatic and to my heart.

            The rest of plane ride was filled with laughs and pretty much my entire life story. I got short sided though because I didn’t get to hear much about the boys.

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