Chapter 11

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After a couple hours of contemplating and crying I decided I was done with my life revolving around getting a job and making money and it was time to follow my heart. So at three o’clock in the morning I marched up to his room and banged on the door. I puffy eyed Harry answered the door.

We just stared at each other for a minute before I finally spoke up.

“Hi,” he was quite for a couple of seconds so I just continued, “can I just start my ‘talk’ over again.”

“Whatever.” He tried talking without emotion but his face showed it all. It was still pretty painful to hear him say that. So I just started talking in the middle of the hall.

“So all I was trying to do Harry was be cautious that all I ever am. I have always been in control. It always just been people telling me I had to succeed. Everyone always expected so much. So I worked so hard to get to where I was. I haven’t even finished college and I have a job half the people in New York would die for. I have been promised and executive position at Vogue when I graduate. I have never just done anything for Nina. It was always just because its what people expected so I assumed it what I had to do. My little sister never had that pressure and now she gets to be in love and fun and just live her own life.  I never got those experiences. Well until you came in. I never get this emotional over a guy. I never get nervous, but with you its like if we are I the same room I get all giddy and I am scared I might embarrass myself. I am sorry I am rambling but I am getting there I promise. So then you want to go public and you have no idea how much I want that, but its what I want and not what I need. I have to go back to New York. I have never been hurt before, but I knew that if I got involved with you it would be the worst thing in my life to have to leave you. I am scared to go public because then it’s real. And when its real people get hurt. But sitting up there crying about it I realized it was too late this was already real and maybe the best thing in my life. I know I fucking blew it, but I want you to know that I pick my heart over my head if you’re interested. But I understand so sorry for rambling. Goodnight Harry.” And I turned around and started walking back to the elevator.

“Fuck. Stop. Nina.” I turned around to face a very messy Harry with a begging look in his eyes.

“What?” and he just looked so desperate and I felt like my heart was going to fall out. I loved him. That was for sure. He didn’t say anything so after about five seconds of staring I walked over to him so so close to him. I could feel his breath.

Then ever so softly he said, “Kiss me.” So I did. I poured my heart into the kiss. His hand was quickly around my waist and he pulled my inside. He wasted no time and backed my right up so I fell back on the bed. He raised his shirt over his head.

“Shirt off.” His voice was so sexy I wanted him so bad. My shirt was off in a second and he was tugging at my spandex, and I lifted up to help him slide them off. Then he shimmied out of his jeans and was on top of me. We were kissing so hard hands roaming all over. Then he started his decent down. He kissed all along my neck earning a moan. Then he made his was down my stomach kissing each hip before kissing right above my panties earning a moan.  Then he came back up to my lips. Leaving me slightly disappointed.

“Fuck I want you so bad.” Harry said breathlessly.

“Then have me.”

“Are you sure? No casual.”


Then he rolled over grabbing a shiny metal packet from his nightstand. I waited impatiently as he rolled it on. Then he was back on top of me. He slowly kissed his way back down to panties and hooked his thumbs in the band. He slowly pulled them down. He came back up to my face, his hands at my waist. Then he slowly pushed in. I wasn’t a virgin, but his wasn’t like any of the other times.  No casual sex this was much better. We spent the rest of the night making each other moan.

We had to be up at the crack of dawn the next morning to get on the bus and make the short drive to the next stadium. So at 5 o’clock my alarm went off blaring. As I tried to get out of bed Harry’s strong arm pulled me back against him.

“No we don’t have to get up yet.”

I was a hypocrite as I snuggled in closer but said, “No we do have to get up. I don’t look that good everyday without effort.”

“So you were trying to look good for me.” He said with a cheeky grin.

“Oh no just all the other boys.”

And with that I slipped out of bed ad made my way into the shower. Only about a minute went by before Harry climbed in with me. Let me tell you having a boy wash you’re hair is one of the most amazing things in life. After about thirty minutes we made our way out of the shower. It was 90% sex and only about 10% actual showering.

I put my PJ’s back on after I realized all my clothes were in my room. Harry and I still hadn’t said much about our actual conversation. I figured we better do it know before three hours of awkwardness.

“Harry are we okay?”

“Is this casual to you?”

“No I am ready for real. I will put everything out there if you do to.”

“So then I guess I will ask for the second time. Will you pretty please be my girlfriend?”

“Hmm I have to think about it.” Wow what did I just say? Was I really that cheesy?

But Harry quickly erased my thoughts with a kiss. “I think that’s a yes.”

“Of course. Now I have to go back to my room.” And I left giving him one last small kiss.

            I walked back to my room in complete bliss. I threw on some jeans and an old t-shirt and put my hair up. I slipped some tennis shoes and a sweatshirt on and was off to the bus.

Of course the boys weren’t there yet. They were still scrambling through a crowd of girls. So I walked back to the bedroom and put my stuff down. I made my way balk out and saw five very tired looking boys climbing into their bunks.

I shimmied around them looking for something to drink. I grabbed a bottle of water and made my way back to the bedroom. When I got in there was a very sleepy Harry waiting.


Then I climbed into bed and snuggled up against him. He put his arm under my head and pulled me closer. That’s how we fell asleep. A very perfect way to fall asleep may I say.

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