Chapter 22

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I let them walk first all five stopping to take a couple of pictures. Then I walked out from beside the team of assistants and workers surrounding the car. As soon as a made my first step on the carpet a ton of people were yelling at me. This time though they were all positive.

Mostly they were all about my involvement in putting the gala together.

I stopped a few more times before I caught up to Harry who was waiting for me as the boys went on. He put his arm around my shoulders and I put my hand around his back and one on his chest. I stood for a second posing before I smiled up at Harry and he kissed my cheek. At this point I thought the reporters might die all screaming things at us.

We walked over to the big red stairs leading into the building and made our way up the stairs. Harry was a perfect gentleman holding my hand as I walked up the stairs.

Once inside we found our seats. I had to go up to the front of the room to begin the evening full of amazing speakers and phenomenal art.

Everything was perfect. The night went off without any troubles and I could finally take a breath. Harry and I went back to my apartment that night. I knew we had a lot to talk about. The last two days had been amazing, but what were we suppose to do now. We really had to work some things out.

I sat down on the chair in the corner of my room as Harry sat on the end of my bed.

“Alright so we need to talk.” I said.

“You have to stop statting things off like that.”

‘Sorry, but we do. How are we ever going to see each other?”

“I know its not much, but the tour is over right now and we won’t go on another for about five months.”

“I think that’s just how its going to be. Its not like we can’t afford to see each other. We both have what we want in our jobs, so we can be mature adults about this right?’”

“Definitely. We can be adults.”

“Now on to the next problem. The next five months while you aren’t on tour? I don’t know how long I can leave New York for.”

“Baby were adults right? I don’t need to go back to my mom’s house. I can just get an apartment here.”

“Harry you would do that?”

“Of course! I am going to have to leave sometimes, but a lot of our press stuff is here anyway.”

“You just made my life ten times less stressful.”

“Also while we are at it, maybe we should… you know… talk about the living situation.”

“I thought that’s what we just did?” I responded confused.

“No I mean like… Why don’t we get a place together? You know if that will work with your sister.”

I thought about it for a second before getting up and giving him a small kiss and sitting on his lap.

“I would love to do that. I am very adamant though on not getting some sort of huge penthouse. I like real New York.”

“What about your sister?”
“Are you kidding she will love this. Having an apartment all by herself, that’s what she did while we were on tour.”

“What about her rent?”
“Trust me I write her paycheck she will be fine. She is a VP for a million dollar company.”

“Wow I should have seen that coming.”

“So do you guys have any press coming up?”
“No today was it. We have a month off before we even start press again.”

“Yay then we can go look for a place tomorrow!”

“You are cute when you are excited.”

I gave him a kiss and then got up to finish getting ready for bead. I was finally an adult ready to take on my life, and not my career.

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