Chapter 13

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I woke up in a mess of tangled limbs, but i loved it. I slowly got out from under Harry and made my way to the studio.

 I had to be at the studio extra early because it was much harder to style for talk shows then a concert. The boys each gave off such distinct personalities, but none of the outfits could be too crazy and at the same time not to plain.

After an hour of second-guessing and changing my mind I had picked all of the outfits. Zayn was in black jeans, a black v-neck, a black leather jacket, and some white Adidas high tops. Louis in some black jeans, a grey short sleeved button up, and some black vans. Liam was in some regular jeans, a white shirt and a half jean jacket half hoodie jacket combo, with some Adidas tennis shoes. I put Harry in a crazy patterned button down, with black jeans, and his Chelsea boots topped with a hat. Niall, I put in some regular Jeans, an Eagles t-shirt with a flannel, and some kick ass Adidas old school Samoa’s.

I finished Niall’s outfit just as the boys arrived at the studio. Harry walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss and then grabbed my hand. They weren’t going to get dressed for another half an hour so they went to a big open room where they gave the boys all of the questions they were going to be asked. The boys nodded silently for each one. They were all pretty generic. Then the last one was said, “So the last question is going to be about relationships. If we didn’t have to ask we wouldn’t but we would leave about two million girls heartbroken if we didn’t.” He said with a very tired voice. Harry gave my hand a squeeze and I realized how excited I was that he was going to tell the world about us. We also had to go over a couple of rules for talking. Since the interview was going to have to have French subtitles the boys had to stay away from some phrases that they wouldn’t understand. After that they walked back to the dressing room leaving me with Paul and a couple of the talk show hosts. We stood in silence for a while most of us too tired to talk seeing it was only five in the morning. I broke the silence to ask where I could find some coffee and made my way over to the coffee pot. I sat on a small couch almost asleep when the boys walked out and I got a smack on my head from Liam.

“Wake up dumbass. You’re about to make some headlines.” He said in a way to pumped up voice.

“Shit Liam calm down.”

“No way it is too early for this so if I’m not pumped I’m asleep.”

I stood up though and went and found a little place to stand on the side of the stage so I could watch the interview. After about five minutes of questions and talking about the concert and new music they are working on they finally asked that question.

“So I have to ask about the relationships.” The woman said very enthusiastically.

“Lets start with Zayn. So you and Perrie are engaged now. How is wedding planning?” Zayn returned with a small laugh, “We haven’t done really anything yet. We are both on tour and so it’s hard to take time for that when we just use the time together to catch up.”

“Alright then Lets move on to Liam and Louis you two have girlfriends from back home right?” Liam answered first, “Ya we do it’s nice to have someone there to keep you grounded in this business.”

Louis was next, “That’s the best part is just going home to El and it just being normal you know.” “Ya I bet that is hard, but I am happy you two are doing well.”

“Alright now on to you two single Boys. How is that going?” Niall and Harry looked at each other Harry giving him a nod to go first so he responded.

“I mean if Katy Perry is out there I am very single and ready to mingle.” he said getting very close to the mic. “All being said though I am just not really ready to settle down you know haven’t found that special person yet.” “And you Harry?” “I’m actually not single anymore.” As soon as he said it there were all sorts of gasps from the audience, but he just locked eyes with me and smiled.

“Please continue give us all the details.”

“Well we met actually at the beginning of our tour, she is the new stylist, and after she schooled us all in FIFA soccer and then yelled at us on the first day, I knew I had to have her. So about three weeks ago I asked her out and well now we are just doing are thing.”

“Alright does the mystery girl have a name.”

He laughed before replying, “Yes she does.”

“I take it you won’t be sharing it.”

“Nope not right now.”

“Alright then have to respect her privacy.” Then the lady turned to her co anchor and did their little signoff thing.

The boys all got up and Harry walked over to me and grabbed my hand. He led me over to where everyone was politely talking. The host,  Isabelle Baudin, walked over to me and shook my hand.

“You must be the mystery girl.”

“Yes, Nina MacKei.”

“Beautiful name. Smart choice to not share it though.” “That was Harry actually, but I’m not complaining.”

“Well very nice to meet you. I am sure I will be seeing you a lot in the papers.” “Don’t remind me.” I said with a laugh.

“Well it was very nice to meet you.”

“You as well.” And then she walked away.

I quickly turned to the boys.

“So in case you forgot, we are in Paris and I am expecting the full tour.”

I got a chorus of yes ma’am’s and of courses.  So then we all headed out. We were all in the same black SUV, and there was a huge crowd surrounding the car. I had never actually been in the car with them so this was a first for me. I sunk back into the seat taking in all of the people. We quickly got out of the huge crowd and then made our way to the hotel. Once we got there Harry and I went to our room and I slipped on some black jeans and a t-shirt from Bar Harbor. I decided on saving my new outfit for tonight and making it just a little more exciting for Harry.

We all left out the back door, which surprisingly had no cars. Then we drove for about two minutes before we got out of the car to walk around. Safe from the huge crowd of girls I could finally take in Paris. It was gorgeous all of the buildings and people in gorgeous outfits walking with such determination. After About a minute of just staring I grabbed Harry’s hand and told him to lead the way. It was a day filled with sight seeing, which ended with of course the Eifel tower.  It was spectacular, but I made Harry promise to take me back when it was dark tonight after the club so I could see in its full glory.

At around five we were all exhausted and found our way back to the hotel. We walked in the room and Harry collapsed on the bed. I took a quick shower and started working on my hair. Then with just a bra and underwear I went and laid down next to Harry and quickly fell asleep. At about nine 0’clock Harry started tickling me to wake me up. He was slapped before it continued.

“Ouch. You can fucking slap. Anyway get up its time to go. I’m going to meet the boys at the bar for a minute whiled you finish getting ready.”

I replied with some nonhuman sound and then he left. I got up and put my outfit on. It was the super awesome patchwork jeans and a denim shirt that dipped down pretty far so that you could see my white bra. Then the Queen of the show was the gold sequined booties I got. I left the room ready to party. Obviously I couldn’t get wasted I still had a job, but I could have a damn good time.

As soon as the elevator opened I spotted the boys all looking cool and hot as hell. Harry didn’t see me right away, but after Niall hit him he turned around and locked his eyes on me. He had no shame in raking up and down my body. As I got to him he pulled me in between his legs as he sat on a stool.

Then he kissed my ear before whispering, “You sure you don’t just want to go back up to the hotel room. On second thought I’d rather make every one else jealous so lets go.”

I laughed and put my arm around his waist gripping on to his t-shirt. He put his arm around my shoulder and we were ready to go.

Harry and I got our own car because he wanted to drive. So we got into the range rover and headed to the club.

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