Chapter 21

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I woke up before Harry and just laid there looking at him. This boy changed my life. We hadn’t even been together that long and I knew he was the one.  I slowly started tracing his tattoos and he shuttered awake.

“Good morning.” I said quietly.

“Hi.” He responded clearly not awake yet. I snuggled into the blankets even more, cold because of the dries sweat from our very hot night. We were naked and pressed together which was very dangerous because we may never get out of bed.

I had so much to do before the show and Harry had to be at the Today show,

I got out of bed and walked toward the shower.

“Harry you better be ready to take a shower right when I’m done.”
“Ill just come now.” He said in sarcastic voice.

“No sir you won’t because we will never get to work on time then.”

He made a pouty face but I got in and out of the shower quickly and Harry got in quickly after I did. I put my dress back on and realized how slutty I looked. Harry let out a small laugh when he realized that everyone who saw us would know exactly what happened.  I walked Harry back to his room, and all of the boys were there.

“Well well well. If it isn’t Nina herself.” Liam said and I took a fake bow.

“So I see you and Harry had just a dandy time ‘talking’ last night.”  Zayn said.

“For your information we had a great fucking talk.”

“Mhhm.” Niall responded.

“Now listen I gotta go do the walk of shame and get to work, but I wanted to tell you could luck.”

They all said bye and I went down stairs. I went up to the front desk. I could see all of the paps outside, and new all of the awful stories that would be coming my way.

“Miss MacKei.” The lady at the desk said. “We thought you might like if we brought your car to the back.”

“Oh my goodness you made my day. Thank you.”

“My pleasure.”

I went to get the car from the back. A young very cute valet boy escorted me there.

I climbed in and headed to my apartment to grab a couple clothes. Once I got to my apartment I got my phone out. I had a call and text from Sophia. Her text said she called because she was worried, but then saw some pictures, and new I was getting some so she left me alone. I also had a couple of Sportscenter  updates, and I pumped my fist doing a very unladylike chant when I saw that the Magic had one, and Victor was the leading scorer. Then I saw I had an E! update. It said Harry Styles seen with the same mystery girl from several months ago.

Yipee I thought, I really didn’t like paps. I needed to be able to go out with sweatpants and no makeup.

I put a Kahki pant suit on then made my way to work. I walked in and new that today was going to be all over the place. I had so much to do and now, not that I am complaining, but I had to get ready to walk a damn red carpet.

At four o’clock two hours before guests would start to arrive I called Sophia up.

“Hey so I have something for you.”

“Ya okay what is it.”

“I need to get ready and Hair and makeup so I am going to need you to take over.”

“What no I can’t do that?’

“Yes you can. Look Sophia everything is already planned out all you have to do is make sure everyone is working and yell at people when they aren’t. Here is a earpiece just call when you are done, and when the guests start arriving. “

“Alright I can yell at people.” I gave her a laugh knowing that she loved to act like she was bossy, but she was actually way to nice to be mean.

I left and went down stairs to our designer closet and decided on the pant outfit. The Met Gala was all about risk and fashion statements.

I put it an a carrying bag and made my way to Lou who had agreed to do my hair too. She was one of my best friends so she was actually thrilled.

We gossiped and giggled the whole time she was doing my hair. I spent the whole tour with her, but unknown to the boys she had actually visited me three times in New York.

I was all done and harry was going to meet me at work before we headed over to the Met. Sophia was already there and most of the guests were arriving now.

The boys showed up and it was time to make my ‘red carpet debut’. Very exciting I know.

We all piled into a huge black SUV and before you knew it we were getting ready to exit the car. The huge red stairs, which I was terrified of falling on, were in the back.

This is it I thought.  I gave Harry’s hand one last squeeze before we all climbed out of the car. Me being last.

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