Wings of salva-end

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The girl stared into the sky, interrupting the monotony of the seeds that she planted in the ground. There was a lady that just flew over the walls of the town while carrying another body, blood still dripping like rain. She could see that one of them was the frostbourne knight, Azura. 

Azura laid the body on the ground, clearly exhausted. She stammered, "Help, he's hurt badly..." , just as she fainted on the path.

She could see the man had a huge stab wound in his chest, and may not survive any longer. 

I have to get him to the medics, she thought as she called for help. They had landed pretty far from the castle, meaning she had to get him all the way across the rough land. Thinking quickly, she and another villager quickly put the man in a wheelbarrow and pushed him to the castle. 


WARNING: this is a short story that is written in 2 days

Also this is the first story I'm actually typing in wattpad. The rest are usually on paper and I'm too lazy to type them out.

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