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So that was it. She was overjoyed. She ran straight home from the castle after her training, ready to tell her aunt the news. Ser Patrick had said she was good enough to become a frostbourne defender, and that was enough for her.

"Aunt Jessie! I finally became a member of the frostbourne army!" She squealed excitedly.

"Congratulations [insert name here], your parents would be proud. I'll cook up some beef for you, wait here," her aunt said as she rushed off into the kitchen. She invited Rain, her only friend, over for dinner so they could chat a bit more.

"Wait, you rode a dragon???" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah, but the ender watchers, they took back the dragon after that battle. Thankfully my home village was later taken back by us after Herobrine died. Some say his soul still lurks around..." Rain said embarrassingly. (I'm not sure if embarrassingly is a word lol)

She questioned, "Then where were you when you returned with Miss Azura?"

Rain became silent. He didn't want to talk about that. He quietly whispered to her and she calmed him down.

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