Weapon- overkill

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It was late at night. People killed, clanking, growling and crackling filling the village.

"Quick! Grab this, run!!!" A man yelled at his daughter, as he took out a sword, prepared to fight the skeletons that were Fbiing(this means breaking down the door) into the house. The girl took the sack and together she and a woman ran out of the house, as loud shouts echoed from the house. Into the distance, they ran...

The girl woke up with a fright, "Sheet! Ahh... it was just a dream, again..." she thought to herself, "How am i supposed to sleep now?"

She packed a bag of materials and headed to the castle, most of the people were asleep, only a few guards on duty and a few lab assistants were in the lab.

She recalled all the things she learnt from Azura's teachings and with the help of a blacksmith, started the crafting of her new weapon. It was harder than she thought.

None of the assistants awake knew how to smelt the rare mineral. It was strong, yet not hard to become a weapon. She had an idea, smelting the diamond she received the day before and mixed the hot liquified gems, then taking a long metallic stick and freezing the liquid onto the edge of the stick, remembering what her mother's weapon was before, she disappeared into that ring of black rock....


Hmmm this seems to exceed the 3 day writing period... Guess I'll have to continue past the 15th. 


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