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It's been near 2 months or so since laura decided to kick me from her server. It was my fault but till this day I don't know why she still refuses to talk to me an I'm not sure if she will forgive me or if she even wants to get me out of her life. Well I can't do anything about that but this whole story is because of you Laura bugging me to write some pazura shit. I hope u know that I won't forget u. 

Also if you didn't know this story PARALLELS PERFECTLY WITH THE SERIES thank you.


Around Ender Wish and Wishing Dead...

The girl watched the drone. A week later it returned. They were coming back. But the nether was hot on their tail. "We have to go and help them!" The girl yelled at Patrick, who had just come out of bed. "No, it will take days to reach there, and we don't even know where they are. We can't send Azura out either, we have to work together to defend our haven from the grasp of the nether, their attacks are very frequent. We can't risk it!" he replied, walking out of his room.

3 days later 

The so called 'allies' that Iris brought in from the nether were quite weird. They came from the other side, and brought their items with them. 3 Males, about the same age and height as her, all with their own gear and weapons. She and the Knights had talked to them about their mission, and they said their friends were on the other side of the nether, waiting for their return. But a serious injury to one of them had left them no other choice than to follow the black suited girl through her portal. She examined them carefully. The one named Mars had a few packs filled with potions and meds. The one named Ethan had a spear and a wide sword on his back. The one named Joshua had supplies and a weirdly thick book. 

They joined the girl and the knights in the meeting room, where Sir Patrick held an urgent meeting. "With every battle, The nether's troops are slowly reducing our defences and manpower. With no reinforcements, the nether will eventually be able to bust through our weakened defences. We need a plan." Joshua opened his book, "Based on the game of this world, the undead can be killed with healing potions. Have you ever tried that? How about water as defence from the blazes and ghasts?" The Knights and bandits at the large table burst into chatter. The girl said, " Why don't we let them help us plan Sir? With their knowledge and skills we can work together to defend!" 

Sir Patrick face palmed, "Well it's worth a shot, Azura could u Monitor them please?" He didn't like it we he felt  he was kicked from his own meeting. Later that night, the girl noticed Ethan holding something like a phone. He was talking to it, "Kieran, we ran into a few problems with fire, we are now in some sort of castle in minecraftia. We'll come back in a day or so. Goodnight."

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