Finding the staff

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England, UK. My national country.

As I stepped out the plane I breathed in my country's air, then sighed. "Oh, do you smell that, Cade?" I asked.

"No... What?" He asked then sniffed the air; thinking I could smell food.

"That, is the smell of greatness." I said proudly as I put my hands on my hips. "The smell, of Great Britain."

"Your not serious, right?" Cade asked.

"No, of course not!" I laughed as I transformed into my cyber-form; on the plane here, I found the my wrist is strong enough to transform; it always feels good to transform again.

As we walked through the countryside that I adored, we headed towards a castle. "Ah, there's is My Lord!" Cogman said as he pointed to an old man who was watching us walked towards him. "He's been waiting for yo-"

Cogman was talking before we were suddenly fired at, we all jumped as the explosion went off, then motioned the person firing at us to know what he's playing at.

"Hello there!" The man said as he lifted his walking stick up.

"What the hell?" Bee asked through the radio. I giggled as Molly ran up the the dog the man was walking; they sniffed each other with there tails wagging like crazy, then ran around together as if they were best friends.

"I'm awfully sorry about that," the man apologised about the shooting (looking behind him at the bot who shot us). "But, um, you see, he thinks it's still the year 1918 or 1914. Something like that."

"Oh, hold unfortunate." I said sympathetically as I looked at the old bot.

"So sad." Cogman sighed as he shook his head.

"World war I and all that stuff." He then chuckled. "I'm mean... The Battle of Marne, Battle of the Somme, Battle of the Marne, Battle of the Passchendaele. Trenches and mud and death and gore and all that. It's terribly sad. 'Its a long why to Tipperary, it's a long way to go!' Yeah,.. but it's, um... it's terrible! I mean, so sad, you know? But then, I mean- Isn't it? I mean, this late onset of, um, well... Robot dementia. It's not at all pretty..." He finished before putting his pipe back in his mouth.

"... Ah," Cade hummed. "I don't know what your smoking in that pipe, man, but-"

"Cade!" I hissed as I elbowed him.

"What?" Cade asked with his shoulders up.

"Could can't say that, he's a Gentleman." I hissed as him.

"Well, if he's not saying anything then we're outta here!" Cade stated as he started to turn.

"Woah, woah, woah, Okay." The man said to stop him. "Um, Bumblebee! We only met when I was a little boy in short trousers. I must have been that tall;" he said as he pointed up a certain hight (poor Bee didn't recognise this man at all). "Maybe taller. Or maybe shorter, I can't remember. But never forget a face."

"Uh, Bee, do you know this guy?" Cade asked Bee.

"I don't, Fuck with, Yo-o-ou-." Bee said, not knowing.

"Let's have a look at this thing." The man said as he tapped my sleeve. I rolled my sleeve up and showed the talisman. "Very interesting... Yes... You keep a secret for so long, knowing it to be true, and yet, deep down inside, you begin to wonder, 'has my life been waisted?'. Have you ever felt like that, Mrs Pax?" He asked.

"Please, call me Y/n." I said. "Look, we don't have any time for riddles right now-"

"Yes, But you want to know don't you? What has been going on between you, and your dreams..." I was about to question how he knew about my recent dreams, but then we all heard a roar of an engine. "Ah, I do so love perfect timing... What a bitchin' car she is!"

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