6: June 28th

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Chapter 6: June 28th

June 28, 2019

"What do I to pay for this pleasure visit, Topaz?" The woman behind the glass snarked with pursed lips.

Toni rolled her eyes, slamming down a paper and slid it through the hand slits. The woman's laugh made her blood boil.

"Doesn't matter." Toni replied short and forced.

Her blood boiled as the woman takes the paper into her hand and examines it. She didn't have time for rules and games that she knew she would play.

"Ah... this is quite a generous offer but I gotta decline, Topaz."

"Just answer the question, did you ever demand those sums of money?!" She snapped finally having enough.

Her red hair waved back as she scooted forward. "No, and you know I've been locked away for two years."

"That didn't answer my question. Did you or didn't you ever demand these from Cheryl?" Toni's voice was nearly in a screech.

"No, Topaz, I had no involvement with her disappearance. Sure I wasn't very fond of Cheryl, but she was still my daughter."

She scoffed at that." Your daughter?" She tapped once on the glass." You abused her, let her try to take her life! You didn't love her, so don't start acting like her mother now!" She barks before turning to leave the room.

She didn't even turn back as she exited the visiting room and wiped a stray tear from her cheek. Penelope Blossom didn't deserve to say Cheryl was her daughter. She would abuse her, and now she wants to act like the mother of the year just because Cheryl finally disappeared.

She knows that Penelope had an ulterior motive. Money. More specifically the Maple Syrup Business. The Blossom's, Cheryl's Aunt Cricket and Uncle Bedford wanted to sell the family industry because it was bleeding them dry.

Cheryl already gave them her answer. That happened a year ago, her answer was no. She remembered the sheer look of fear when Cheryl told them what she would do to them.

After that, Toni never caught another glimpse of Cricket and Bedford. Still to this day, Cheryl's name is written into stone. She owns her shares and shared them with Toni.


Unknown location

June, 29, 2019

"Let me out!" The voice cries," I gave you what you wanted... please let me go!" The sound of metal rattles anxiously and the cries grew more panicked.

"Not so fast, Sherry." The voice was almost metallic to the ears. "I lost everything and now you'll know what it's like and so will your pretty little family."

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